I'm at a loss of what to do now.
I have been on the phone with Verizon for two days, been in the verizon store for hours with my iPad, my cellphone and my jetpack.
No one knows what is going on, they are all having me do the same thing then sending me to other stores and it is still not working.
I just started a new account with verizon - unlimited data.
I had them set up my iPad Pro (purchased from the Apple store) and a jetpack.
The internet works for many websites - but it does not work on walmart.com or a few other average everyday websites - and it does not work with the PS app (this is all that I have noticed so far in the short four days of having an account with Verizon so for all I know there might be more web sites).
The websites that do not work, simply hang and do not load at all.
Of course the app and the websites in question load on every other device, the web pages and apps have been checked multiple times, none have been down or offline at all.
The devices have been factory reset, updated, cleaned cache, every single thing that can be done to the devices has been done. Verizon customer service has reset the network on their end.
In two Verizon stores they have witnessed that the web pages and the app will not load using the sim assigned to me, and of course using my exact same devices in question with someone elses wifi work just fine.
When they have taken the sim from either my iPad or the jetpack and placed this into their own "test device" that device does not work. Meaning it is the sim/phone number or whatever they have assigned to me.
Finally, after 12 hours of this today, they assigned me a new number, new sim, placed this into the jetpack. Tested it in store, it loaded the walmart page - then again minutes later it stopped working.
After going to the Apple store (which is where I purchased the iPad Pro) I showed them what was going on, and how many resets and what all else Verizon has tried. He said he has seen this before, there is a problem with Verizon and the account provisioning and DNS issues.
Has anyone else had this problem and been able to fix it?
I don't even know who to contact about this since I have spent hours on the phone already three separate times with Verizon and nothing has changed this, and hours in person in the store with the devices having multiple workers look at it and nothing has changed this - and here I am with a two year contract and not being able to use the most average websites and apps on any device.
Does anyone have a contact number or even an email of anyone at Verizon that could help with this issue. I have been dealing with this for days and now with that time limit running out and having to work all day I am afraid I am going to be stuck paying for items that only partially work.