The service for Verizon in my area has been horrible and has been for the past 4-6 months. I cannot get on the internet or send texts even when I have full bar reception! I'm basically paying over $200 a month just to carry an unusable overpriced cell phone. I have unlimited service but can't use it because nothing will load. This is beyond frustrating. I can not hold off waiting on towers to go back into service or whatever excuse the company has right now. I need an operable phone. At this point I need to choose from T-Mobile or At&t. At least I would get a discount since I would be a new customer.
Some have said that turning your phone off and back on will restart and help, but that does not work. I have to be on WiFi to use my phone. It is very frustrating. I just wish that that company would step up and say, "something's wrong with our service and we are trying to correct the issue as soon as possible." It seems to be an ongoing problem across the states.
Verizon, fix your service. I'm sure more customers are thinking of leaving just like me.
#poorservice #crappyservice #fullbarsnoservice #payingfornothing #canyouhearmenow