I puchased a Samsung A02s in December 2021 from walmart for my daughter, which was activated in January 2022 for 2 months (prepaid service), after which we ended service. She has still been using the phone for wifi and such. We recently tried to activate the phone for her with another carrier, but are unable to, due to the phone undicating it is still locked. Called customer service and was told that there is no record of the phone with that IMEI being activated? I was told the only way to remove the lock was to activiate the phone for yet another 2 months! I obviously have reciepts and credit statements reflecting payments made, as well as a phone number and texts from my daughter during those 2 months. This had been a very frustrating situation, and as a longtime customer myself I am considering a change, as I feel they were trying to get me to activate her phone with verizon for another 60 days, which was even more frustrating. Anyone have this issue? How was it resolved?