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Why Does My LG Cosmos 3 Keep Loosing Signal?

I wrote a while ago about my LG Cosmos 3 keeps loosing signal. It is still doing it and may be getting worse. Since purchasing this phone to replace a lost one I was always able to get good reception and connection in my home. Then a bout a month ago it starting loosing the signal connection and killing my battery. Never had this problem before. Now seems to be getting worse. To compensate the bad connection I sit it on the window sill while in the house. But now that even started doing the same thing. Every time I check it, it seems to be searching for signal. Verizon's service is really getting bad, at least in my area. I do not incur this issue when I step out of the house. In fact, the other night I was in a bowling alley and the signal was not lost at all. You think it would have been with all the interference and such. So I believe the tower(s) in my area are having some real issue of late. My community is located between Woodlawn, Md and Catonsville, Md. There were never any issues when in the house. Now it is constant. Not sure what can be done.

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