Keep Losing Service
Enthusiast - Level 1

Over the past, let’s say 2 months, my phone has been loosing service multiple times a day. It will drop from full bars to nothing and sometimes go into SOS mode. I’ve found a few solutions to fix the issue; like switching to airplane mode for about a minute and then switching it back or turning the phone completely off and turning it back on. However, I’m not paying my hard earned money to have to do that multiple times a day.  I got to work from home yesterday (a rare occurrence) and I counted. I lost service 6 times from 8:30am to 11:30 pm. And then again at 1:00 am the following morning. And as I type this, I have no service. 

I searched this issue on here and found it’s happening to a lot of people all over the US. And the solution is get a new SIM card. My question to Verizon is why? If this is happening all over the US to, what looks like, thousands if not millions of customers why is your only solution for every single one of us to come get a new SIM card? What’s the real issue? 

Does it have to do with adding 5G towers? Give me something other than “your phones an older model and you need a new one or you need a new SIM card” because my phone is barely 2 years old!  I was told the “older model you need a new one” from my local Verizon office. 

What  gives? 


For reference, I have an iPhone 11 operating on 17.0.3 and reside in the Texas Panhandle. 

43 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hello! We strive to provide reliable service, and we are concerned to learn you are experiencing service issues for the last 2 months. To better assist you, I'll be sending you a Private Note, please reply to it, so we can get started.


Enthusiast - Level 1

Hi There Verizon,

I have the exact same problem described another for the last couple of weeks. Please advise or send a Private Message. 


Customer Service Rep

Sromanie, thank you for bringing this to our attention. Could you tell us more about the service issues you're experiencing? When did this start? What services (voice, text, data) are being affected?


Enthusiast - Level 2

I’ve been experiencing the same for the past 2 weeks. It’s random with its frequency throughout the  day, no matter time, weather, etc. As I started to write it was in SOS and now it’s off with 2 bar. For reference, I have an iPhone 13 Mini purchased new late August ‘23. I’ve reviewed settings and nothing has changed. Would you please advise of a resolution and or its cause. Your assistance and guidance is greatly appreciated. 

Enthusiast - Level 2

I’ve been experiencing the same for the past 2 weeks. It’s random with its frequency throughout the  day, no matter time, weather, etc. As I started to write it was in SOS and now it’s off with 2 bar. For reference, I have an iPhone 13 Mini purchased new late August ‘23. I’ve reviewed settings and nothing has changed. Would you please advise of a resolution and or its cause. Your assistance and guidance is greatly appreciated. 

Enthusiast - Level 2

Verizon— I’ve been experiencing the same for the past 2 weeks. It’s random with its frequency throughout the  day, no matter time, weather, etc. As I started to write it was in SOS and now it’s off with 2 bar. For reference, I have an iPhone 13 Mini purchased new late August ‘23. I’ve reviewed settings and nothing has changed. Would you please advise of a resolution and or its cause. Your assistance and guidance is greatly appreciated. 

Customer Service Rep

We appreciate the details. Dealing with service issues can be overwhelming, especially if you are encountering signal issues. Verizon is here to help.


If you encounter any tech issues in the future, do not hesitate to use our Troubleshooting Assistant for further support:


We sent you a Private Message, please review at your earliest convenience.



Same issue — happened a few times in the last week in Arizona and I was with a coworker at the same time and I had her check her phone & she was having the exact same thing happening to her. Also, the search results are super unhelpful when this happens as there’s basically no way to understand if this is an issue for others easily from Verizon which it clearly is— 

Customer Service Rep

Hello, Sociali. Help is here. Ensuring you have a great service is a must. Please tell me more. What exact issue did you experience? What is your zip code? 



me too, ios 17.4.1. help. please send a private note. thank you.


iphone15 btw thank you

Customer Service Rep

Hey, bdrj7ap. We definitely want to make sure you can stay connected. Please tell us, when did this start, and what troubleshooting have you completed so far? Does this happen everywhere or only in certain locations?


Enthusiast - Level 1

You’re lucky you only lost service 6 times in 15 hours! I wish that was all I lost mine for. My service goes from spotty at best to nothing at a minimum of 10 times in 8 hours in 16 hours it’s easily 24 times. If they can’t figure it out they’ll lose a 6 device family of customers and that’s just my family.

Customer Service Rep

Dailyyj127, having service troubles is not what we want to see happening. Could you share some details on when and where this is occurring? 



Add me to the list of people who have trouble with  my iPhone just randomly losing connection with Verizon.  I have an SE 2nd generation.  Several times a day I discover I have no service. This has been going on for about 6 weeks.   It is horrible when I have people counting on getting ahold of me.   To reconnect I have to select airplane mode several times or turn the phone off an on one ot more times.  This is the pits!! Perhaps it’s time to change carriers. 

Customer Service Rep

Hello, RockyStoneAxe. Ensuring you stay connected is a must. Help is here. So sorry to hear this has been happening so long. Have you contacted us for any troubleshooting? When the phone doesn't show service, which indicator do you see on the phone, meaning, do you see SOS or No Service? 


Enthusiast - Level 1

I have the same issue. I have to restart my phone when I want to make an outbound call because my service drops for no apparent reason. Very frustrating. 

Customer Service Rep
@Lynblake  wrote: I have the same issue. I have to restart my phone when I want to make an outbound call because my service drops for no apparent reason. Very frustrating. 

If I was running into that with my phone, I'd for sure be feeling frustated myself. We certianly want to help, and see what's going on. Can you confirm for me the city/state of where you're having the problem? Also is this happening more often indoors or outdoors? 



Add this Android user to the list of regular signal outage. I go from 4-5 bars of 4G to a completely blank signal multiple times a day. This happens indoors, outdoors, day, night. It's been about a month, and as others have said it's deeply frustrating. Cycling my phone in and out of airplane mode isn't feasible, nor is being on wi-fi constantly to make up for the issue.

Customer Service Rep

Thank you for sharing all these important details. We are here to help. Please tell us, are any other devices in your area being impacted? Is your device's software up to date? ~Geo
