Looking for a reason to stay with Verizon.


So in October I moved.  Called and had my stuff move to the new address.  The new house supported faster Internet speeds with a network cable jack to the FIOS Modem.  So during the move I upgraded my internet from 75/75 and downgraded my tv from Ultimate to Extreme.  This was supposed to be a renewal but it was not processed so.  The person did verify that my new bill would be about the same... maybe a few dollars more.  Fast forward to me checking my bill last month and a few dollars somehow became ~$75.  I started getting charged for television stations I did not ask for and was not asked if I wanted to purchase (this seems eerily like theft of my money) and my plan went from a $99.99/mo to $164.99/mo.  But my contract (which was never renewed like it was supposed to be) expired on 12/18 so why did my bill change so drastically in the past 2 months when I was informed by the representative that it would not.

So I contact live chat support... probably a bad idea but hey I am busy and at work and don't have time to stay on hold (which considering the time period I am ok with holding for a time).  In the end of a very long conversation I learned two things.  The agent claimed there were technical support issues so he couldn't see all of my bill just parts of it... yet I could access them fine and how does a technical issue only stop you from seeing parts of the bill?  Seems fishy and a lot like a lie to me.  But hey I give you that one...  The response was "Do you want to renewal today?" to which I said no I want to get this fixed before I lock myself into a 2-year contract.  So I tell him that and he/she starts ignoring me and continues to ask if I want to renewal today... poor grammar.  I tell them I would like to escalate this because I have to leave to go to a meeting and I can't go back and forth with someone who does not or can not help me.  I understand if you can not but tell me and get me to someone who can.  Don't think you are just going to get me "to renewal today".  I was ignored then again... so I asked again please escalate so I don't have to go explaining this all again and wasting more of my time.  Ignored again... so I copied and pasted the entire conversation just in case I wasn't asked if I wanted to save it (which I have been in the past) but it didnt so I have my copy.

Bottom line is I was curious and slightly annoyed about my bill and now I am pretty ticked off and if I can't get this resolved properly in a equitable amount of time I will take my business somewhere else... Cox is running a nice special from what I see on their web page.

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Moderator Emeritus

Hi jonasmyst2,

Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Before the agent can begin assisting you, they will need to collect further information from you. Please go to your profile page for the forum and scroll down the page to an area titled "My Support Cases". You can reach your profile page by clicking on your name located above your post, or at the top right of this page.

Under "My Support Cases" you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information. The title of your post is the link. This should be checked on a frequent basis, as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions. To ensure you know when they have responded to you, you may subscribe to the case. At the top right of your support case there is a gear icon which provides a drop down menu with support case options. Click that and choose "subscribe". Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue in the private support portal.
