My $400.00 Visa Gift card
Enthusiast - Level 1

I have made several phone attempts to try and rectify this situation!  I had signed up for Verizon FIOS, as I loved the service when I lived in NY and was so happy to find that they had it available in my new place in Florida.  I signed up which was a nightmare in it's self as it took three days to do it in August 2014!  I was promised a tablet and a $400.00 gift card and a credit of my $250.00 deposit after a year of service.  I was made aware that I would have to wait for my gift card until they received 3 consecutive payments, well I waited beyond the three payments, no card!  Called spoke with a very nice gentlemen named Richard who transferred me to the company AFNIE that handles the gift card promotion.  The woman for that company was very nasty and made it seem like I was wasting her time, she informed me that the card would be mailed out and that it would take 30-45 days and that the pin would come in a seperate mailing that was December 2014.  Ok still no card, called again on January 31st., this time I called the company that does the distrubution with my reference number and was told to my surprise I was not entitled to a card and to call Verizon and take it up with them!  I called Verizon spoke to Danielle again very nice and she contacted the company, as she could see I was entitled to the card, but the order had not been processed.  She informed me that the company would be mailing me the card within 30 days because of my trouble and gave me an order number.  Guess what it is March 3rd., no card, no pin NO NOTHING!!  At this point it is a matter of principal, if every company ran there promotion's the way your company does they would be out of business!!I understand I am one person, but it seems from this forum I am not alone!  Customer satisfaction should be a priorty, even more so with a return customer that was telling all their friends to sign up and  that has been a customer for years!!  I am tired of calling and getting the run around I would like this matter adddressed immediately!  I cant wait for the battle in August for the credit of my $250.00 deposit!!  Tried one more time to call and guess what no record of my gift card!!

2 Replies
Moderator Emeritus

Hi lna91011,

Sorry you are having difficulty. An agent with access to your account will reach out to you directly by email, private message in the Forums and/or the billing telephone number on your Verizon account for more information or to help you resolve your issue. Please remember to check your spam/junk folder if you do not hear from an agent.

Enthusiast - Level 1

When I signed up in January of 2014, I was informed that I would receive a $300 gift card after 3 months of service.  I never received that gift card; their system showed my date of service beginning on a completely different date. It was set up in January, they were showing March. 

I didn't receive my first bill though until about March. I fought tooth and nail to get my gift card so I could put that towards future payments; I settled though and figured since I hadn't received a bill for those first 3 months, it washes itself out. 

Good luck getting your gift card, though!