Need to talk with a supervisor

I can't get no customer service representative or supervisor to call or talk to about my services being interrupted for phone and home internet all for 60.00s I owe. I sign up for new services off the ir holiday special getting home internet for 60.00s amonth then I bundled them together 95.00 a Month starting in February and the 60.00s was to be paid on February 2nd according to person I signed up with back in early December I haven't even had my phone for a month yet nor the home internet both are interrupted and get no one to call me or get hold when I called 611 then do a send where I can't talk to know one this better get fix  not happy with customer service  and their lack of knowledge  of empathy so how do I do this the store said I got to call in to get it resolved so please help me in dilemma

1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

Hi there! I'm going to send you a private note to give a follow up to your situation!

