Best BB
Contributor - Level 1

I am returning a Pearl Flip that I had on the 30-day trial. Not real crazy about the screen. Any opinions on what is the best BB for the money? TIA!


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2 Replies
Contributor - Level 2
BB's are cheap these days, you can go to your local Walmart and get a Curve for $40.  It all comes down to what you like asthetically.  Best thing to do is go into your local VZW and play around with whatever they have and then make a decision.  For touchscreen there's obviously one choice; the Storm, and I would wait for the next one to come out before I jump on hardware going on 10 months old now and due for replacement shortly.  As far as regular BB's the Tour is the latest and greatest but not without it's share of hiccups due to it being brand new.  Lots of folks like the Curve but they're all pretty much set up the same way so anyway you go I don't think you'll be dissappointed.  Since I'm not bias, iPhone comes to VZW first quarter of next year I believe if that's your bag.
Contributor - Level 3
My advice is take back the Pearl buy a cheap Curve from craigslist, ebay to tide you over and save your upgrade. There is so many cool alternatives coming in a few months. Nov looks to be a hot month for BB's on all carriers:smileywink: