BlackBerry Storm 2 9550 and Wi-Fi
Enthusiast - Level 3

May be it's a ritorical question but it's kind of hard to imagine situations when Wi-Fi will be needed for my BB. In most cases we do have Verizon 3G coverage and in those situations when we don't ...

I disabled this option in "Manage Connection" tab to save battery power . I hope in some special case I'll enable it back ... but I still don't see practical reason for it.


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3 Replies
Champion - Level 1

susja wrote:

May be it's a ritorical question but it's kind of hard to imagine situations when Wi-Fi will be needed for my BB. In most cases we do have Verizon 3G coverage and in those situations when we don't ...

I disabled this option in "Manage Connection" tab to save battery power . I hope in some special case I'll enable it back ... but I still don't see practical reason for it.



You are right that it will probably help to conserve power.  I can think of a couple of times for myself when WiFi might be handy, but those are very few and far between.  Good luck with your new Storm2.


Enthusiast - Level 3
hey what's up, Nice you know its always good to have wifi for some areas in which maybe its kinda not necessary to have but I need it for my vcast videos you wanna trade bet mine is a lot quicker on software and internet eeee I've done the test and it is I LOVE THE WI FI though I do get around -82dbm of signal but in some areas in my home. That would be great for me I wish the 9530 had it still love it.
Master - Level 3
Rhetorical. That's why there's spell check. ...sorry, the grammar/spelling Nazi in me was dying. Anyway, WiFi on the Storm IS awesome because it finally allows for simultaneous voice and data connections. Meaning you can be on a call and browse the web at the SAME TIME! Amazing. Previous CDMA Blackberry devices were unable to do this. So that's one really awesome part of WiFi. You're right though, if you're not going to use it then shutting it down will conserve battery life.