BlackBerry Storm Application Memory Goes Down

When application memory goes down, will my BlackBerry get errors on it or get slow? I downloaded "Quick Pull" & to have "Quick Pull" let me know when application memory goes down. My main question is, When application memory goes down, how does the BlackBerry react?

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2 Replies
Contributor - Level 3

workaholick wrote:

When application memory goes down, will my BlackBerry get errors on it or get slow? I downloaded "Quick Pull" & to have "Quick Pull" let me know when application memory goes down. My main question is, When application memory goes down, how does the BlackBerry react?

You may see some slow downs when it gets below 15mb.  If it goes under 5mb you may freeze up. However I have seen a couple run with 3mb all the time with no problems (allot of apps loaded). Every device is different the only way you will know about your is to just watch and see how it acts.

Champion - Level 1

workaholick wrote:

When application memory goes down, will my BlackBerry get errors on it or get slow? I downloaded "Quick Pull" & to have "Quick Pull" let me know when application memory goes down. My main question is, When application memory goes down, how does the BlackBerry react?


Basically, when your phone's memory gets low, it will be sluggish and slow to respond.  This is an inherent problem with all Blackberry devices.  I have found that when your phone's memory gets below 20mb free space, it can become sluggish.  The best way to prevent this is a little maintenance from time to time.  Quickpull is a good app for daily reboots.  Also, be aware of apps running in the background.  You can press and hold the Menu key and see which apps are running in the background.  By default, the phone, Browser, homescreen, Messenger, and Messages icons should be running.  Other than that, when you use an app, make sure you use that program's Exit feature to close the program.  Another good idea is to delete apps that you do not use frequently.  If you downloaded a lot of themes, you can always delete the one's you don't use.  For example, I just deleted a Christmas theme from my Tour. 

These are just a few ways to make your device run smoother.  There are more ideas you can get from Crackberry's 101 series here 

