Blackberry Tour - 30 Day return - WARNING

So I get a new Tour, works awesome! loved the phone. My q falls off. I call verizon not thinking anything and they were very nice said go to store get a replacement, so I do. Get home start looking at phone. I didnt let them transfer my numbers as I had a back up at home and this is my main business line. Phone has someone elses numbers in memory. Phone is deffinately used. New phone locks up/freezes a lot (probably why it was returned).  I call Verizon, they say "well you got a re-certified phone because any phone returned under 30 days gets a recertified phone" I paid $150 for a "NEW" phone.  Now I have a phone that has dust (if u have a tour u know the space just under the screen where lint,dust collects) now I am very **bleep** about my phones and it drives me crazy to see the dust there. My NEW phone was perfect (cept the missing "q") I file a complaint with Verizon. They say that's what you get when ur phone is broken, recertified. So I get upset and say , forget it, I am going back to my curve. "Sorry, you cant return the phone as you have replaced it" ??? Yeah I am comfused at this point as well. So it seems that if your ORIGINAL phone breaks the minute you walk out of the store.  You are screwed. The 30 days is only for the "Original" phone..... Amazing what they get away with, I am just glad only 1 of my lines has a contract. At least I learned my lesson and can take my 4 lines somewhere else. Their service is the best... but their business practices leaves something to be desired.




-customer looking for new provider-

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6 Replies
Master - Level 3

That's definitely strange. The proper policy is to replace it with a NEW device if it's within 30 days. I agree that it's rediculous of them to give you a used phone. Any time outside of your 30 days, that's the norm but not if it hasn't been 30 days yet. I would definitely give Customer Service a call back and ask to a supervisor to discuss the situation with them. Be courteous but firm and express to them your concerns. I can assure you it is NOT policy to send you a Certified Like New Replacement if you've had the phone less than 30 days.


If you don't have any luck with a supervisor let me know, I may be able to have the proper people contact you to get the issue resolved.


What you experienced is not typical business with VZW. You just talked to a couple of bad apples. Unfortunate how they can ruin it for everyone else.


If it was still within 30 days that is not right. I was having problems with my tour and I took it in today. My 30 days is up in 5 days. They had to replace my phone and they gave me a brand new one out of the box. I watched her unseal the box and everything. I would go back and talk to a manager. 


Or, depending on your level of of fair play or honesty, had you "lost" the phone, they replace it with a new phone I have heard.


The source told me to lose my 45 day old phone or they would send me a used one. At the time I was an early adopter and paid full price for my phone., not a Blackberry phone, it was a different phone $449.95................ouch. And then get a used one, if even available since it was so new I might be waiting for some time.


My Wife does not even j-walk so I opted for the wait. I think it stinks and since Verizon has become the 800 pound Gorilla, they take away more and more priviledges every time I look.


I am a so called VIP customer but I certainly never feel it. I have been a customer from the old days when they were Air Touch. My loyalty is different than theirs.


Also one last item and gripe. You do NOT get any free anything. If you look at your bill carefully after getting your new "every 2" phone, they actually get every single penny back. Consumer Reports has an article on this very subject. Check it out.


It's all very confusing. I bought and activated a HTC TP 2 in September. I was having issues so I did a exchange for a Imagio within 30days. Now I have the Imagio and i'm having issues. I'm within the 30 days of receieving the imagio but not from the time I activated my number and got the TP2. (of cource)


I'm told I can send the Imagio back and they will send me a REFURBISHED phone to me. I dont want a REFURBED phone I want a new phone or I want to exchange it for a BB. They told me NO! The 30 day return is from the time I activated the first phone.

My receipt doesnt say anything about 30day return from the activation only...


I beg to differ and Im not going to let this lie down. The receipt that came with the Imagio says 30 day return or exchange. Not a dam word about from activation.


If I'm wrong correct me. If I'm not give me a BB storm 2 or Android on the 6th.

What would happen if I packed up the Imagio and just sent it back?





Master - Level 3

rp4643 wrote:

It's all very confusing. I bought and activated a HTC TP 2 in September. I was having issues so I did a exchange for a Imagio within 30days. Now I have the Imagio and i'm having issues. I'm within the 30 days of receieving the imagio but not from the time I activated my number and got the TP2. (of cource)


I'm told I can send the Imagio back and they will send me a REFURBISHED phone to me. I dont want a REFURBED phone I want a new phone or I want to exchange it for a BB. They told me NO! The 30 day return is from the time I activated the first phone.

My receipt doesnt say anything about 30day return from the activation only...


I beg to differ and Im not going to let this lie down. The receipt that came with the Imagio says 30 day return or exchange. Not a dam word about from activation.


If I'm wrong correct me. If I'm not give me a BB storm 2 or Android on the 6th.

What would happen if I packed up the Imagio and just sent it back?






Your case is substantially different. You are only allowed ONE exchange within the 30 day Worry Free Guarantee. Your first device was the HTC TP2 and then you exchanged it for the HTC Imagio. That's it. You don't get any more exchanges or returns. You can't abuse the program to keep exchanging devices until you get something you like. Why? Well because it costs VZW about $300-400 every time you return or exchange a phone. So at this point your only option is to get a Certified Like New Device. Now, if you spoke to a supervisor/manager either in a store location or thru Customer Service you may be able to talk your way into getting a NEW Imagio. But you'll have to sweet talk them, yelling and throwing a fit doesn't get you very far.

Master - Level 3

agentelectric wrote:


Also one last item and gripe. You do NOT get any free anything. If you look at your bill carefully after getting your new "every 2" phone, they actually get every single penny back. Consumer Reports has an article on this very subject. Check it out.

I hope you don't think this is something new or something only VZW does. That's been the point of contracts since day one. Every cellular company loses money on the equipment they sell you, the contract is a way of recouping those fees with the monthly access you pay. It's quid pro quo, friend.
