Blackberry Tour sound profile editing, did I find a software glitch, or am I just .......

doing something wrong?


Coming from a pearl to a tour.  In the pearl you could modify each of the existing sound profiles (loud, normal, vibrate, etc..) to control the details of how they worked.


I am trying to modify the "vibrate" profiles on the tour so it does not vibrate each time a new email comes in.  (I still want other things to vibrate).  I selected that profile, and then went to "set ring tones/alerts" and opened "messages".  I changed "email (desktop)" vibrate to "off" and saved changes.  Still vibrates when a new email comes in.


I then changed all message items to "vibrate = off" and it still vibrates.


I ended up having to create a custom profile to get what I wanted. 


I would think you can modify these setting, but they are not appearing to "take"  Any thoughts?

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2 Replies
Master - Level 3

I've noticed this too. It seems like the Set Tones/Alerts option is only for the default "Normal" profile. None of the other loaded profiles can be tweaked. RIM must have removed the functionality to tweak them or it's a glitch that they haven't fixed yet. I'm not sure if the Storm is like this.


So yeah, I just had to create a custom profile to get what I wanted. Not that big of a deal, I guess.

Contributor - Level 3

This is not a glitch this is how the 4.7 OS operates, just setup custom profiles. I can tell you that the upcoming 5.0 OS has brought back the 4.5 OS feature of Normal,Loud,Medium,vibrate,Silent,phone calls only and all alerts off all being customizable. I dont really know all that from memory I looked at my OS and seen it.. oops :smileywink:.
