Bold 9650 Extremely Unresponsive

Enthusiast - Level 3

I just switched to Verizon today from the evil and terrible AT&T.  I've been a crackberry user since AT&T has offered them and to me the Bold 9650 seemed like the perfect choice ( I heard awful things about the Storm 2 ).  So far, my experience with this phone is awful - the UI is insanely slow and unresponsive to the point where the phone could be considered a 10 on the glascow coma scale.


I downgraded from OS 6 thinking that was it since it also made my Bold 9700 laggy - this evidentaly was not the case as the last OS 5.0.x.x revision from VZW seems to be much of the same all be it not AS slow but still very slow.  My biggest quam?  The OS will work just fine for about five minutes or so sometimes less, sometimes more but eventually it just ceases up into a rock for ten or fifteen seconds then goes back to it's normal thing, it will continue to do this till just about nothing works quickly and the phone has to be rebooted.


Is there some solution to this or should I just grin and buy an iPhone 4 and admit RIM actually made an awful phone?

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  • Bold

7 Replies
Champion - Level 1

As a nurse, I get the Glasgow coma scale. Let's see if we can get yours back to a perfect 15. Try dialing *228 and select option 2 to update your phone. Then pull the battery and restart. Report back here on your device after that.


Enthusiast - Level 3



Thanks for the answer - it's good to know my EMT jokes aren't wasted here.  I tried what you suggested and it updated the roaming, I rebooted and it does appear at least to be a little snappier now.  FWIW, the lag on this phone does only seem to occur within the first ten minutes of boot up or during periods of time when the data channel is being utilized heavily - I have found that during initial boot up of the phone turning the antenna off immediately resolves the least in the short term. 


Is there some particular quirk of CDMA that causes this to occur that you're aware of and what if anything does updating the roaming profile for this handset do to fix it?  As far as I am aware, this handset is identical virtually to the 9700 Bold which this problem does not occur on and the only observation I can make is that it may or may not be affixed to CDMA.


I'd also like to add that while I initially thought it may have just been isolated to the movement of the trackpad, all functions of the phone indeed cease up including the blackberry button and the soft reset CTRL+SHIFT+DEL as well.


 It also does not appear to be resolved or worsened by any particular handset software either, I have gone throughfour iterations of OS 5.x.x.x and three of 6.x.x.x and the problem is the same both ways, no worse no better.  Although 975 seems to not feature this problem at all after a while.

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Community Leader

William_M wrote:

... It also does not appear to be resolved or worsened by any particular handset software either, I have gone throughfour iterations of OS 5.x.x.x and three of 6.x.x.x and the problem is the same both ways, no worse no better.  Although 975 seems to not feature this problem at all after a while.

I'm running on my (currently deactivated, soon to be activated) Bold.  Good to know that seems to be the most stable release to date, it has been working for me but then, I haven't given it a full workout, and I have no other BB to compare to.  The Bold is my first experience with BB!


Doc, you mentioned in a different thread that there's a new OS 6 release - I'd be interested in your take. (See my response in that thread!)

Enthusiast - Level 3

I am actually going to attempt installing OS 6 today and see how it fairs on the 9650.  Overall, I'm not impressed with 6 but if it is stable as people have been claiming I will give it another shot.


EDIT (12:52)


OS 6 install crashed after recieving a text message - error 602 and crash - wiping device with BB Swiss Army Knife going to install this time without Desktop Manager from VZW's website.

Community Leader
Community Leader
Ouch! that's not an auspicious start for the new OS. :smileysad:

I think I'll stick with what I have until I return from my working vacation in June - I need a phone that works while I am away from my computer!
Champion - Level 1

Hey, William,


Just to let you know, I updated to the new OS 6 this afternoon.  You can follow my progress in the thread as I will report there any problems.  I have to say, so far, so good for me.  Hope you get it going. 




Champion - Level 1

I have had my Bold 9650 and Tour do the same thing. It is probably a memory issue. Also, it is prob the device connecting to the nwetwork and updating various apps and other settings such as the service books. Mine will be like that for a few minutes and then resolve. Just do a battery pull every day to refresh the memory and things should be ok. Let us know if it worsens or persists. Good luck.

