Dust under my screen!!
Contributor - Level 2
Yes its true, a few days ago I noticed the dreaded dust under the screen or should I say between the screens of my Storm...what a bummer.  After consulting Crackberry, this is a very common problem with this handset and fixactions on youtube range from only slightly complicated to void your warranty in a heartbeat invasive with the most extreme going so far as completely dissasembling the phone to put silicone around the edges of the screen and then re-assembling.  From what I understand, VZW will replace your phone for this issue, new or refurb depends on where you go though.  Also, if you get a new/refub one you risk getting a lemon like so many have and running into even worse issues than a little dust.  I will be keeping my phone I guess, dealing with the dust, and upgrading to the new one when it comes out as soon as my new every two goes into affect.  Just thought I'd let ya'll know this is not supposed to happen, but it is yet another known/ongoing issue with an otherwise fantastic BB smartphone.
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3 Replies
Master - Level 3

I have this happen frequently on many gadgets and my savior has always been a couple cans of compressed air. The kind with the long straw on the tip. Try it. Have some patience and 1 or 2 cans and have at it.

Good luck, friend. 

Contributor - Level 2

I tried it to no avail with my can of air and long straw.  In reality it just makes it worse.  The problem is when RIM in their great infinite wisdom created this phone they didn't think about sealing the top layer of glass to the bottom layer for whatever reason....maintenance, repair capability, or otherwise so the smallest dust particles are allowed to seep in.  From what I understand you can use a guitar pic to loosen the top layer of the screen.  Then you can take a lint free cloth, wipe between layers, and then reset the top glass on the bottom.  *looks for a guitar pick..........

Contributor - Level 3
Yea that also happens on the Curve quite often. I hear this issue is addressed on the Storm 2:smileywink: