Fraudulent and deceptive insurance sales


It is with great discuss and disappointment that I write. While recently upgrading my service, the sales representative, Liza {edited for privacy} PA, recommended an insurance policy be taken out due to the nature of my business and the vulnerability of the Blackberry Curve.  She said and I quote: “All you have to do is bring back the broken phone and a new one will be replaced immediately.”  I inquired about water & physical damage. She assured me that all were to be covered under the policy. THERE WAS NO MENTION WHAT SO EVER about the $89.00 deductible. According to the Pennsylvania Insurance Code all premiums and deductibles must me disclosed by the licensed representative at the time of sale and specifically and clearly stated on the policy. I was made aware of ONLY the $7.99 monthly premium. There were NO details stating the policy coverage and deductible on Verizon Wireless Service Contract which I signed.


Yesterday, my Blackberry was damaged. Today, while at your store in our local shopping mall, the young sales representative showed me a never seen before sales brochure with the fine print stating the policy and deductible. I cannot say if this omission is deliberate and standard sales policy of Verizon Wireless, but to many this appears to be a highly deceptive and seemingly fraudulent tactic.


As a result of this intentionally deceptive tactic, as of this date: 02/07/2010, I feel compelled to request release, and without penalty from my bi-annual contract. Secondly, I demand a full refund of the initial cost involved with this including all upgrade fees and the cost of the phone. (Less the $100.00 rebate already received.)


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3 Replies
Contributor - Level 1

...Ok... if it was a manufacturer's defect (NOT scratches, water, broken screen... etc.) it will be replaced free of charge. If not, you will get a like-new replacement (refurb) for $89. There must have been a cosmetic flaw that voided the warranty.


"THERE WAS NO MENTION WHAT SO EVER about the $89.00 deductible. According to the Pennsylvania Insurance Code all premiums and deductibles must me disclosed by the licensed representative at the time of sale and specifically and clearly stated on the policy. I was made aware of ONLY the $7.99 monthly premium. There were NO details stating the policy coverage and deductible on Verizon Wireless Service Contract which I signed. "

If you knew the "Pennsylvania Insurance Code" states the premium/deductible MUST be disclosed, why didn't you ask the rep about the deductible? LOLZ.


Master - Level 3

I don't think posting here will get you much in the way of resolution. However, I wanted to mention that when I bought my first BlackBerry in 2008 and got insurance (which I only ended up keeping for a couple of months anyway, total waste of money for some people), the sales rep never told me about a deductible either. Unfortunately, I believe that happens a lot in stores. I think I only learned later when I saw something on a message board. I don't recall even getting a copy of the insurance agreement ... I believe they told me to go to Assurion's site to print it.


Not that you asked, but do you think $8/month plus an $89 deductible is even worth it? I did the math and it did not seem like a good choice FOR ME. Now, for someone who leaves a Berry sitting on a bar or takes it to the beach, it might be worth it.


I hope this gets resolved to your satisfaction.

Specialist - Level 1

Yes, I agree the deductible and premium should be disclosed at the point of sale. I can also verify that Asurion will automatically mail you a pamphlet with these details and more information on the service after a few weeks of enrolling/purchasing insurance for your handset. I received one after I purchased insurance on my daughter's first phone in November 2008.


Just like health, automotive, home/renter's insurance, expect to pay a deductibe when filing a claim.
