
I have had my work email on my Storm before but Outlook requires me to change my password every so often.  After I changed my password in outlook I tried to do the same on my blackberry HOWEVER now it keeps telling me my password is incorrect... GRR Someone help me!

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I had to go through this just today myself. Changed my password in my Yahoo email account, then found out it wasn't going to be so easy to do the same on my Blackberry.


You actually have to physically change the email password in your Blackberry Internet Service account, which you can log into at this address:


or ( this will forward you to that previous address. It's just easier to remember this address. ^^; )


From there, sign in with your BIS user name and password. Once you log in, you should come up to a page that shows the email address you have assigned to your Blackberry account. If you see a little yellow envelope with a red stop image over it, that means you have to reset the password to the new password you set in your email account. If it's a black check mark, you SHOULD be okay.


If you see the little yellow envelope, click it, and you'll change your password in the window that opens up. It SHOULD change the little yellow envelope to the black check mark after that.


However, if you're like me and don't know your Blackberry Internet Service account user name and password because the rep who set the phone up for you at the store didn't tell you anything you needed to know, you're going to have to call tech support.




If you can, skip through the automated menu and get to a human as quickly as possible. The rep I spoke to tonight helped me though EVERYTHING.


They'll probably have you go to the website I linked you to as well, but they have a few more steps they may bring you through.


After you've changed your email password in the BIS account, and it's cleared through, it could take up to 20 minutes for new emails to show up on your phone. Just keep sending yourself test emails from any other email accounts you might have and see if they show up on your Blackberry.



Hope that helps!



