
Yeah, I know I am throwing myself to the wolves here....  But let me plead my case first.  In the last 4 months I have been through 7 phones and am about to get another one.  Before you start yelling "user error" let me tell you my problems.  First 2 were the storm 1... enough said.  next 3 were tours  ALL 3 with trackball issues.  after 2-3 weeks, no movement on the screen.  Now I am on to the Storm 2, I love the touchscreen, and all the memory available, however on both of my devices I have had issues with them turning themselves off whenever I receive texts.  I only have the "normal" apps loaded...(slacker, quickpull, google maps and opera) I have been advised to not install any apps to see if that helps, but if I can't do what I want on the phone, why am I paying the extra $30 a month for a smartphone?!?!   have done master resets to both devices and still the problem persists....  Verizon is sending me another unit, but only because they won't let me get something different....  I feel like I am stuck with a phone that I am VERY dissatisfied with and my only option is to either buy a phone outright (can't afford it)  or to cancel my contract (also can't afford that)  What do I do????  I feel I would be so much happier with either the Droid or Palm Pre, has anyone been able to get out of their BB contract before it was up???  I am so tired of reloading all my ringtones and contacts from phone to phone, and I am afraid if I am forced to keep on with blackberries my pain will continue!!!

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3 Replies
Contributor - Level 3

i felt your pain with the Tour as I blew through 4 of those in a few months. Which is strange because if a company should know trackballs it should be RIM. I have had a Storm 2 since its inception and have not had any issues you have described. In fact it has been the most stable and toughest blackberry, out of the many, I have had over a few years. Maybe a few of the mods here can lend you a helping hand.


Have you been backing up everything from the previous blackberry using your Desktop Manager? You might be transferring a buggy file along into your new blackberry and that could be causing the issue? Or have you done all of this one by one (ouch)?


When I talked to Verizon Tech. support they thought of that too, so yes I reprogramed all of my contacts.  All apps were downloaded new, and I did start over on my memory card as well.....  You can see my frustration!  Not very impressed with RIM at this point...  I received my new Storm 2 yesterday (#3), just waiting for something to go wrong with this one, and if it is anything like the other BB's I've dealt with it shouldn't take very long.
