I overheard someone talking about "tethering" their netbook to their phone to go online. Is this possible with a BB Curve? I have unlimited broadband so does it have anything to do with that? Does verizon allow it? How do you do it? I am NOT a geek so use plain english if you respond. I barely know what a gigibyte is. LOL. Thanks.
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Master - Level 3

Yes, you can tether your Curve to your laptop using the USB cable to get internet. The feature itself is called Mobile Broandband Connect. Yes, you already pay for a data plan but this feature will cost additional. Most likely you're paying for a $30 data plan, if so the tethering feature will cost your another $30/month. There is a limit to how much data you can use, it's capped at 5 Gigabytes of usage. But if you're just using it for normal web browsing, emails and a few youtube videos, 5GB should not be a problem.


Also, you'll need some additional software on your computer to sync with your phone. VZ Access Manager is a free application that you need to download. Follow the onscreen instructions to download and install the program. Then when you open it the first time it should run a wizardto configure your device and get it connect. 


You can call Customer Service directly to add the feature to your account. 800-922-0204.


Post back if you need more help.
