cell phone

I am considering purchasing a blackberry storm cell phone. Is there a history of ongoing problems with this phone? I do not want to buy a cell phone that I am going to have problems with. Are there any recalls on the phone that have not been addressed to the consumer.  And are you required to inform me about reoccuring problems with a phone that I decide to purchase?  I want to make my best buying decision when it comes to a cell phone, in the event I am stranded ( ie) vehicle breakdown, or an emergency situation.

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4 Replies
Master - Level 1

texasrude wrote:

I am considering purchasing a blackberry storm cell phone. Is there a history of ongoing problems with this phone? I do not want to buy a cell phone that I am going to have problems with. Are there any recalls on the phone that have not been addressed to the consumer.  And are you required to inform me about reoccuring problems with a phone that I decide to purchase?  I want to make my best buying decision when it comes to a cell phone, in the event I am stranded ( ie) vehicle breakdown, or an emergency situation.

I wouldn't recommend the original Strom phone (9530). Check out the reviews-->Storm 1 Reviews  The phone just seemed to have problems with it. The Storm 2 is a better improvement though. I'd go with the Storm 2 instead.
Specialist - Level 1
I've been using my BB Storm 1 for six months now, upgraded from an LG Dare VX9700 (touchscreen to another touchscreen). This is a phone I can highly recommend to you if you like a touchscreen, and if you like the Storm's SurePress screen where the screen actually is depressed when you press it. Some people love it, others hate it. You better try it first and see if it's for you. As for dependability, it's never let me down. The phone has never been recalled. With the BB 5.0 operating system that was released in October 2009, the phone has become faster, the touchscreen more accurate, and added extra functionality like threaded messaging. The Storm 2 has more RAM, 256k versus 192 on the Storm 1, and more internal memory at 2gb versus 1gb. Storm 2 also has WiFi, so if you can afford the extra price for the Storm 2, get it. Any BB or smartphone can suffer from slowness, lagging or freezing if there are too many applications running at the same time. Make sure to close out of apps when finished (press the Clear button or choose Close from the BB Menu Key). Sometimes you will have to pull the battery out of the phone to resolve sluggishness. However, you can download a free app called QuickPull Lite that will automatically reboot the phone, and you can schedule daily reboots.
Contributor - Level 1

I've had my Storm 2 for about two months now and I love it.  I heard some people say that they didn't like the S2 with the surepress screen but I find that it makes me more accurate with my screen presses becuase it doesn't select something without me "confirming" my selection by pressing the screen in.  Plus I can type faster on that screen than I could on my Omnia and even on the Env3 that I use for work. It's a great phone in my opinion and I am glad that I finally took the dive and got it.

Master - Level 3
I would definitely recommend the Storm 2 over the Storm. The Storm is well-known for having problems. I'm not basing this on firsthand knowledge, but I used to spend hours a day on a certain message board with thousands of BB users. Good luck in your decision.