Landline not working again
Enthusiast - Level 3
Well, we had a rain storm and once again our phone and those of our neighbors on the road are not working. Called Verizon and can only get automatic attendant again. So scheduled an appointment for Monday. What a crock ... No phone service and getting charges on bill each month for directory assistance calls we did not make. My neighbor says same thing happened on their phone line .. Getting charged for calls they did not make. Since our lines keeping getting shorted out, probably erroneous calls are being logged ... Just like the 911 calls that have been made . We only know when that happens because of the knock on the door by law enforcement. Very frustrated!
3 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3
Well, i called Verizon again (using the pre-paid cell phone i got because our landline service is so bad) and reached a human about billing problems. She is crediting our account. then got switch to repair and waited for a human. I have to get all my neighbors to call in to report their landline is not working ... Since they do not have cell phones, guess I will have to drive up and down the road with my cell phone.
Enthusiast - Level 3
Since it is no longer raining, found dial tone this morning and was able to make a call. However, got a text from Verizon saying problem was on our line. Funny ... Other homes on the road also had no dial tone and noise on the line when it rained. So I guess the saga continues since source of problem has still not been identified and corrected.
Enthusiast - Level 3
Spoke too soon ... Made one call early this morning and it got through but there was continual noise on line. Just tried to make another call and phone is now dead. Tried to update repair ticket but cannot get to that page ... Just get the browser spin. Tried texting back to Verizon message I received so I could provide update. If Verizon does not want to deal with updating landlines, then don't offer the service. False advertising when you pay more than $70 a month for a service that only works a few days a week when the weather is sunny and clear.