Computer significantlyi "Degraded" after FIOS Broadband Install
Enthusiast - Level 2

    All I wanted to do was add FIOS TV to my already existing Verizon network and phone to get their new bundle price. To do that, they not only installed cable to my TV, but added it to my network as well. Instead of a small router with a simple Ethernet connection, now I have a 9100 with Ethernet AND cable. That is when the trouble began.

   My computer went haywire! I experienced significant lag time (literally 15 - 20 sec)  after clicking an icon before anything would happen. This happened when clicking "Start" to turn off computer. HUGE delay. Click, click, click - nothing - then three pages would open up. Screen would freeze. Cusor freeze. Severe degradation, like nothing I have ever experienced. This happened 4/1/09 and I thought I had the Confiker Worm! Tracking all my keystrokes. I ran several different virus scans, cleaned up register and files. Nothing helped.

   I called tech support. After "taking control" of my computer - he cleaned out my internet caches, tested internet speed, and told me I must have a virus because there was NOTHING that Verizon did that would impact my workstation. All they touched was the router and that could have no impact. The timing of the Verizon install and my computer problems was merely coincidental!  What a bunch of baloney. Here is what I discovered.

   Verizon installed a file called McciTrayApp.exe that runs at start up, but does not show an icon in the System Tray. When I pulled up Task Manager I discovered huge amounts of memory was being utilized by this file. I removed the file from Start Up via MSConfig and - voila - my workstation returned to normal. I also discovered McciCmService.exe which runs in background constantly using up memory. Googling these file names identified them as potential viruses, depending on where they are located, because they can track your workstation applications. They were distributed by Verizon in concert with Motive Communications, Inc.

    Bottom line, the Verizon Online Help & Support program, approx 20 mb in size, is the culprit for all this Motive software. It can be very detrimental to computers and can be found listed in programs in Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel. I called tech support to discuss these potentially malicious files and he didn't have a clue. Never heard of mcci files or Motive software. I asked to speak to someone who spoke "computer", but all he would do is text his tech support person for help. His person suggested that I remove the Online Help & Support Program which I did and all is fine. My real problem still remains that this software is being loaded on peoples computers and tech support is not educated about the impact or how to fix it. I was denied access to someone who had some understanding of WHY these files were being used, so the best thing I can do is try to alert other Verizon users who have the same problems.


17 Replies

Do you have any idea how, or why, this software was installed? I have had FiOS phone, TV, and internet for 3 1/2 years and have never, ever, had any Verizon software installed on any of my PCs, except when I did it, like Verizon Call Assistant. So I am wondering why and who did it.

If your answer is the tech who installed the new service, did he tell you he was installing it? I don't let anybody install software on any of my PCs other than me, so I only have myself to blame when things go wrong...  Smiley Happy

I Googled "McciTrayApp.exe" and it does't seem to be a very good application, lots of negative comments, but some positive also. I don't know what to make of this, except that I bet you are one of the few that it has been installed for, otherwise I think we would have seen more posts on this, and I don't remember any. 

But anyway, its good that you let everyody know about this, and that you got it fixed.

Verizon FiOS TV, Internet, and phone
IMG 1.6.2, Build 08.58
Keller, TX 76248  

Enthusiast - Level 2

Justin, thank you for your response. I DID, in fact, ask the technician if he was downloading any software onto my machine and he said no. I ask specifically because I only have 16 Gig of memory left on my hard drive. You can imagine how upset I was to discover that he had downloaded over 20 mb of files! The difficult part of this whole thing is that I am not "allowed" to speak to anyone at Verizon tech support who understands what I am talking about.

    I asked to speak to his supervisor or anyone who spoke "computer." I was not given that privilege. I would certainly like to get to the bottom of this also. When I began asking friends about this, I discovered that several others also have the files. One guy only hibernates his machine because, he says, everytime he starts it up, the mccitrayapp is back! I explained to him how to use MSConfig to turn off a start up program, but there are others!


Interesting, and for you a frustrating, problem.

I Googled "Verizon Online Help & Support Program" and found a number of hits, including:

So how did this thing get on your system? If the tech did not do it, then somehow it must have gotten downloaded onto your PC. Have you ever tried using Verizon's help system at all in the past, other than the forums, so maybe it got downloaded that way?

I will see if I can get one of the Verizon techs here on the forum to take a look at this thread and see if we can come up with some answer as to 1) how it got there, and 2) why is Verizon using it if it is such a resource hog?

I hate MSCONFIG. I use a free tool called Autoruns from sysinternals, which I believe is owned by Microsoft, to manage my startups. Much easier to use, and much more complete.

Verizon FiOS TV, Internet, and phone
IMG 1.6.2, Build 08.58
Keller, TX 76248

Specialist - Level 1
Yeh, Sysinternals makes a lot of cool applications.  =P
Enthusiast - Level 2


       Thanks for taking the time to post the links. I checked them out and there are 384 users of Verizon Online Help, etc. Wonder what sorts of problems they are having?

   This software was loaded onto my workstation when the technician was here. My workstation problems began the following day. He was not truthful with me about loading the software. This exacerbates the problem as you can see, because then I am determined to get at the truth!

    If Verizon tech support had a heirarachy of support available to customers on the telephone, this problem would not have been so frustrating. I would have been able to speak to someone who knew what an ".exe file" was and would have been told where to find the offending files. As it stands now, I just want to locate others that are having the same problems I had and tell them that it is not all in their head!

  On your advice I will check out sysinternals. I have discovered often "free" software can create problems and carry viruses - so, a recommendation is good.



Contributor - Level 1

McciTrayApp.exe, is a generic program used by many programs, one of which is verizon help and support. May or may not have been installed by verizon, but sounds like it was. I found that one of the disks that come with verizons new router as well as any verizon software that gets installed, always installed the help and support program. Just the simple act of registering your acct, installs the help and support. simply go to add and remove programs and make sure that "Verizon help and support" is not one of the listed softwares. If it is there, just remove. If not, then it may be another program on the computer using that file.


Here is a short list of programs that use that file


The process mcci+McciTrayApp belongs to the software DVD Solution or BellSouth Wireless Connection or Verizon Online Help and Support or Soldat Interface Maker or mcci+McciTrayApp or SmartSound Quicktracks Plugin or TELUS Support Centre or Sony Ericsson Device Data or TELUS Wireless Connection or Internet Check-Up or McciTrayApp.exe or TELUS Merlin Report Agent or Adobe AIR by Motive Communications, Inc

Enthusiast - Level 2


    Thank you for your response. It is helpful in tracking when this software gets loaded onto a person's computer. I appreciate the directions for deleting the program Verizon Online Help and Support using Add/Remove Programs. You can rest assured that that was done as soon as I was able to verify that the Motive files resided there!

  As I may have mentioned, technical support was not able to identify the source of my problem as being the Motive files. As a matter of fact, I was told that it was impossible for any files installed by Verizon to be affecting my computer, since they only installed a new router. I was told I had a virus and that was that! As now know, that is incorrect.:

   Obviously, I have been able to diagnose and resolve my computer issue which was caused by the installation of Verizon Help files, but it took considerable time and frustration on my part because tech support was not knowledgeable about the potential problem.

   It is necessary to document, SOMEWHERE, that the files could cause problems and how to resolve the issue. Especially, as you say, "Just the simple act of registering your acct, installs the help and support." I was hoping to do that via this forum.

Many thanks for your input,


Contributor - Level 1


Sorry to hear of your frustrating experience with degraded internet service. I am working with the team that supports the Verizon Help and Support software to look into your specific experience and hopefully provide you with further insight as to what occurred.

I should have an updated response to you shortly.


Enthusiast - Level 2

Hi Larry,

   I am soooo pleased that you have shown an interest in diagnosing any problems with your Verizon Help and Support Software! Just to be clear - I did not experience degraded internet service - it was degraded computer response. My internet speed increased but my computer went haywire!

   After the McciTrayApp.exe file was loaded on my computer, it acted as if I had a virus. I would type or click an icon or command and get a significant (15 second) response lag time. The screen froze. My mouse froze (I changed batteries twice). Click Start to shut down computer - nothing. The computer acted as if the keystrokes were being captured and stored somewhere.( You should know that I am running Microsoft X with SP#2 and have 2 Gig of Ram memory.)

I ran my McAfee scan, although my firewall and software is in place. I ran Spyware Doctor.  I downloaded Kaspersky and ran that scan. I downloaded and ran Spy Hunter 3. All came up negative for a virus. Task Manager showed McciTrayApp consuming HUGE amounts of memory and when I removed it my computer returned to normal!

Also running in background, but not as malicious, was McciCmService.exe. It showed up in Task Manager as consuming about 4K of memory. I was unable to learn the purpose of this software as well. Final solution was to completely delete all Help and Support files.

Many thanks for any info you can share.


Contributor - Level 1


Thanks for the clarification. I will be sure to pass this information on to the team. Please give me a little time and I will definitely get you further information on what we think may have happened.

Thanks again,

Enthusiast - Level 2
This is a program and problem that we in the field have run into an many occassions. When running an install during the web based activation, the default settings are EXTREMLY intrusive. MOst tech know to do a custum install and to deselect most of the items. Most importantly the help and support   and  the VZ service point. This problem has been brought up to national on many occassions but has fallen on deaf ears. I have personally seen where a full selection has caused the cutomers pc to fail to boot. The only thing being  a reinstall of the OS.

For me personally, the mystery deepens....

When I responded earlier I was using my laptop. I searched that system, and no Verizon Online Help and Support. And the laptop is running just fine (I reinstalled Windows from scratch a month or so ago).

Now today, I took a look at my desktop. Guess what? I have the Verizon Online Help and Support software, the Motive stuff (junk?). Now, for a number of months this PC has been running sluggishly, I have occasionally looked to see if i could find a definitive reason, and couldn't. One problem is that I have a bunch of software installed on this PC, mostly free stuff that I install and try out to see if I can recommend it to my PC Computer Club, and I have been blaming the performance issues on something I had installed that way.

My symptoms on this PC have been primarily very slow startup of programs :MS Word, IE 7 and Firefox, even EditPad Lite and Control Panel. So today I went in and terminated the Motive thread, and wow, what a difference! So I just used Autoruns to disable the startup of Verizon Help at boot and re-booted. My PC really does run quite a bit faster without the Verizon Online Help and Support program active.

I encourage all all FiOS (and DSL?) users to check to see if they have the Verizon Online Help and Support application installed, and if so, remove it from their system (or at least stop it from running at startup).

So, a very big thanks to Jan (TruthDigger) for starting this thread, and a challenge to Larry and other Verizon folks to figure out what is wrong with this application, and immediately tell all the techs nationwide to stop installing it until it is fixed. And really, I would like to know how it got installed on my PC in the first place; it appears to have been installed in 2006, but my Verizon FiOS internet was installed in  summer 2005 and my Actiontec not until 2008, and no Verizon tech has ever touched my PC anyway. So how did I get it?

Verizon FiOS TV, Internet, and phone
IMG 1.6.2, Build 08.58
Keller, TX 76248

Enthusiast - Level 2

Hi Justin,

Good to hear from you. You might also want to know the following. Because I wanted that software OFF of my machine, I totally removed the Verizon Help & Support Files using Add/Remove Programs. My PC recovered (mostly) and I thought that was the end of it but there is more . . .

Keeping a close watch on which services are running in Task Manager I discovered McciCmService.exe (another Motive file) running constantly in the background using up CPU power. When I searched I found it in Programs/common/Motive and discovered a whole bunch more! Anyway, I think I have finally gotten rid of all of them, but I keep checking. Autorun is great for spotting them as well.

Sure appreciate your comments. Let's hope some Verizon users with the problem find our forum and get their problems solved OR your advice is taken and they quit installing this stuff in the first place.


Enthusiast - Level 2


   I forgot to mention I also had a delay in getting into Control Panel. In response to your question " no Verizon tech has ever touched my PC anyway. So how did I get it?"

I refer you to spacedebris who replied on 4/19 @ 1:03 PM.

"McciTrayApp.exe, is a generic program used by many programs, one of which is verizon help and support. May or may not have been installed by verizon, but sounds like it was. I found that one of the disks that come with verizons new router as well as any verizon software that gets installed, always installed the help and support program. Just the simple act of registering your acct, installs the help and support. simply go to add and remove programs and make sure that "Verizon help and support" is not one of the listed softwares. If it is there, just remove."

That is a little scary!!




I saw spacedebris' post, but at least for my PC it just doesn't seem to jibe timewise. I got FiOS internet in the summer of 2005 and TV in Sept. 2005. I got my Actiontec router to replace the original wired D-Link router in 2008. I am not sure what or when registering my account has to do with it, because nothing that I know of corresponds to the apparent Help installation date of 2006.

Once I stopped the startup of the motive stuff with autoruns, I have been checking frequently with the task manager to see if I can see any motive processes running and don't. So that part at least seems to be fixed. I will get around to removing the help from the installed programs list at some point, but right now I don't see any rush.

Anyway, I sure hope the Verizon folks can do something to stop this from affecting other users. And once again, thanks for starting this thread.

Verizon FiOS TV, Internet, and phone
IMG 1.6.2, Build 08.58
Keller, TX 76248

Enthusiast - Level 2
thanks so much for posting this. I was having lots of delayed response time on my PC since getting FiOS and was getting really frustrated. then I just happened to look on the forum and read your post. I searched for and found the Help and Support Tool and deleted it, and also deleted the one Motive file. my question: I found a host of motive files on my computer--is it safe to delete all of them? right now my computer is definitely faster/more responsive.Smiley Happy
Enthusiast - Level 2


I am pleased the posts were helpful to you. It is not a problem to delete the Verizon On-Line Help and Support using Add/Remove. That will get rid of most of them. The other offending files can be found under Programs/common/Motive. I deleted that Motive file there and things worked great after that. No more Motive files were found.  You should be safe deleting all Motive files unless they were installed with another application. You might want to "Search" them out and see where they are located. I do know the two areas I indicated are safe.


Best of luck!

