IPv6 causing 0Mpbs upload speed
Enthusiast - Level 2

Just a warning as IPv6 rolls out to all fellow customers of Fios, you may find suddenly that your upload speed goes to zero and/or some sites are no longer working as intended, on WIRED/Ethernet and not WiFi. 

Starting Friday (5/27/2022) morning, I found the following occurring:

  • unable to upload/attach email in Outlook Online (O365).
  • unable to access/stream Apple Music from the web.
  • various speedtest.net locations reported "close enough" Download speeds, but 0Mpbs upload. 
  • other misc issues and browsing headaches.

    How I troubleshooted the issue to determine the IPv6 was the cause:

    1. reset ONT (multiple times)
    2. reset router (multiple times)
    3. new CAT6 Shielded cables
    4. tested iPhone hotspot (Verizon Wireless Service) to PC
    5. swapped between Wired (LAN) and WiFi (WAN) on same router to PC

      Based on #4 and #5, I was able to identify it was a LAN/wired issue as WiFi was not affected.  I thought this may be a router specific issue after isolating the issue.  However, seeing another community member post here about IPv6, I got suspicious. I checked and my IPv6 was fully configured and running in the router and on my ethernet adapter settings. 

      Upon disabling IPv6, the issue was no longer persisting.

      Verizon why?

1 Solution
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Community Leader

According to the Intel technical advisory back in 2017, this sounds about right as both products are listed in the affected products. You can follow their "Recommended action" for a temporary fix. For a real fix you need to replace the affected NIC or the motherboard that contains the affected NIC.

imageIntel Technical Advisory

View solution in original post

35 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

Why would the adaptors need to be replaced the only error is with verizon equipment? 

Router 1 worked great until all the streaming devices started to error "connected but no or slow internet to them"
Router 2 worked partially "dead 5 ghz channel and upload speed from PC 15 to 30 mbps
Router 3 works great for everything but main PC. Upload is reading 0

The more I connect my PC to different verizon G3100 routers the problem gets worse and the techs are clueless and have no clue what to do.

1. PC connected to the WAN works fine. 
2. PC connected to LAN 0 upload speed. 
3. PC over WIFI 0 upload speed.
4. PC over WIFI on Laptop's hotspot while plugged into the LAN works fine
5. Laptop over WIFI fine
6. Laptop over LAN and WAN fine.
7. Phone over WIFI tests fine.

Tried changing the drivers from Asus but windows will not take them or I'm doing it wrong.


For those who had good wifi but bad wirelines speeds, was the wifi v4 or v6?

Enthusiast - Level 2

I've found it. It just didn't solve the problem. 


It did. This drove me bananas. 

I tested and troubleshooted in every way possible.  It took me all night trying to figure out what was going on because everything else besides my gaming PC seemed to work properly. 

That said - My upload speeds across the board are still pretty bad. What used to be 500+ on gigabit is now <120 despite disabling IPv6. Much better than the 0.1 that it was before though. 

It's very irritating to be honest. I wish Verizon would have sent out a notice ahead of time letting people know the problem might arise. 

Enthusiast - Level 2

Can’t blame Verizon as this falls squarely in Intel’s lap. A known issue with a work around 5 years old and nothing else from them. And they’re still selling computers with the problem nic’s installed. 

Enthusiast - Level 2

This did not work for me. 3 routers later and I went from great wifi to crap upload on the wifi to 0 upload. The only way I can get good internet to my PC is via the wan port and nothing else. Not the wifi ports or Lan ports and Tech just shrugged his head and said "test fine on my phone" and left.

I am not in the slightest please with this situation. I went from having amazing internet and a great wifi to garbage and nobody seems to know why but my issue is identical to people in here complaining as of july 2022


same!  turn off ipv6 and all works well again

Community Leader
Community Leader

@Taco77 wrote:

same!  turn off ipv6 and all works well again

This is the wrong approach. To resolve a fire alarm is not to rip the alarm off the wall/ceiling.


So if I may ask - what would be the solution then?

Enthusiast - Level 1

For a month and a half I chased this.  To add to the discussion, I found a easy way to discover the problem - run a Google (M-Lab) speed test.  Uploads are 1% (!) of the download speed.  Third party speed tests show full speed down and uploads.  Fully reproducible.

Disabled IPV6 and instant gratification.  M-Lab now shows equivalent results.  Until something else breaks, that's how it will stay.  (Sorry Win7's Homegroups, you're EOL anyway.)

Adaminion (https://forums.verizon.com/t5/fios-internet/a-few-websites-not-working-with-lan/td-p/921287) has it right ... it's Verizon's, Intel's, Microsoft's, and Google's fault.

I'm *** happy I found this discussion.


Enthusiast - Level 2

This was driving me crazy.  I can't believe Fios pushed out a changed like this and did not warn all of their customers.  

I wasted a ton of time and money trying to fix this.  Here is what I ended up doing 

I could not figure out for the life of me why from only wired devices my upload speeds to the internet went to 0 (basically the internet would break for me). I tried everything
- replacing ethernet cables to the 48 port Gigabit Ether switch
- changing port on the Fios G3100  router ethernet cable used
- changing port on the 48 port Gigabit switch the ethernet cable used
- rewiring my 2nd switch (an 11 port PoE switch) to go directly to router vs directly to the 48 port Ethernet switch next to it
- bought a new second switch (power of ethernet switch) and replaced it
- rebooted primary 48 port tp-link 48 port gigabit ethernet switch and Fios G3100 router
- rebooted Fios optical network termination (ont)
- bought a brand new 48 port gigabit ethernet switch to see if it was my switch and rewired my entire house to use this new switch

None of this worked. '

Then I remembered on a project 3 years ago a piece of software (mongodb) would not work in Kubernetes if it had IPv6 enabled and the operating system did not have IPv6 at all. 

So I disabled IPv6 on the Windows 10 and 11 PCs having this issue and the problem went away.

Then I found this thread and then disabled IPv6 on the WAN on my Fios G3100 router.

Also On this which describes the issue

I noticed my Gigabit Ethernet chips on my motherboards are I225 and I211 which are not on the list of affected gigabiit chips but these also have the issue

This was exactly my problem!!!! There is a Fios and or Intel Gigabit Ethernet bug!!!! I then went into my router and disabled IPv6 on the Wide Area Network as that should fix this for anyone without a person having to do fancy stuff on their device

This was bothering me for months and today I decided to go all in and try and solve it.

Enthusiast - Level 3

I've turned off IPv6 on the network card (Intel I219-LM) and am still having the issue.

Router is a G1100 with firmware, it just started happening last week.

IPv6 was already disabled on the G1100.

Not sure what to try next.  Rebooting the router seems to  help it for a day maybe two days sometimes, but not always.

Enthusiast - Level 1

New set box months ago then Google Chrome and Amazon and Youtube started choking.... Tried literally everything. Diagnostics all good... Deleted everything possible on Google thinking that was problem... So much pain.... Amazon not working. Nothing working. As of today, nothing working. No email function, Chrome nonfunctional with anything, not possible to upload files to Chrome email or shared folders... Not possible to send an email. Shared folders not functional... Youtube nonfunctional.... Could not make an order on Amazon... Incredible pain and disruption of life patterns... Then finally at wits end called Verizon support today. After terrible automated assistant firewall ... forced them to put an agent on the line. Great guy. Human. After several diagnostics that all showed everything peachy aok, the fellow suggested disablign ipv6. Suddenly, everthing worked. Lightning fast. Back in business. Long live ipv4.

Enthusiast - Level 3

At least that fixed yours, it didn't fix mine, I had to turn Home Network Protection off in the Fios App before min was fixed.

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