Exploiting FiOS TV Favorites (IMG 1.8)


I think many FiOS TV users do not realize how useful the Favorites function of the Interactive Media Guide can be, so I have put together a document describing how I have mine set up. Perhaps you will find it useful: Link 

Note: I created the document as a PDF and linked to it from here so that I can easily make changes if needed. If you find this information useful, great! If you don't, please just ignore it. And if you find any errors, or have additional information you think should be added, please post it. Thanks.

Verizon FiOS TV, Internet, and phone
IMG 1.6.0, Build 06.89
Keller, TX

44 Replies
Specialist - Level 1
I like the guide a lot and should be fairly helpful to others! Good job!
Enthusiast - Level 3

Ok, I appreciate the value of the "favorites" feature, and completely understand all the posts regarding its use.  However, I have a unique problem that I'm not sure Fios can handle.  I just switched from Directv and had this ability with their remote when using "faovrites" lists.  With Directv I could select a favorites list and all controls on the remote would default to the channels on that list until I went back and selected either all or another favorites list.  What I mean is if I selected favorites 1 when I used the channel up and down keys (without going to the guide" I would cycle through each one of the channels on the list but only those on the list.  Why this mattered to me is that I have 94 year old mother who's eyesight is very bad.  She cannot see the guide information when it is displayed so it does her no good.  She only watches a handful of stations and I want her to be able to use the one big channel up/down button to enable her to cycle through the channels she likes rather than the entire list of several hundred.  There does not seem to be a way to do this with the FIOS remote which requires you to select your channels from the guide.

Hope this makes sense.  I love the FIOS service, but miss certain simple features that I had with Directv remote.

Contributor - Level 3

@barbshop wrote:

... What I mean is if I selected favorites 1 when I used the channel up and down keys (without going to the guide" I would cycle through each one of the channels on the list but only those on the list.  ...

That is precisely what FIOS does.  Select "Flip by Favorites" and Ch+/- will only cycle through channels on your Favorites (1 or 2, whichever is active) list.

Enthusiast - Level 3
Where do you select flip by favorites?  Is this easily toggled on and off without having to go back and forth in menus?

@sosuzguy wrote:
Where do you select flip by favorites?  Is this easily toggled on and off without having to go back and forth in menus?

The settings are in the Menu, in the same area where you set up your Favorites list, etc.

To toggle the Favorites list being used easily using the Favorites button (the heart), you need to set the Favorites Button value to Toggle Flip by Favorites:

Menu ==> Settings ==> Favorite Channels ==> Favorites Button ==> Toggle Flip by Favorites

Then set which initial setting you want

Menu ==> Settings ==> Favorite Channels ==> Flip by Favorites ==> All Channels or Favorites 1 or Favorites 2

keep in mind that the Flip by Favorites setting you make in the Menu is just an initial setting. If you set it to Favorites 1, for example, then the Guide will display only the channels listed in your Favorites 1 whenever you hit the Guide button. But you can change the Flip By value any time you want by hitting the Favorites button on the remote (just below and to the right of the circular ring of arrow buttons around the OK button). The first time you press the heart you will see the current Flip By setting, each successive press with swicth to the next setting - All Channels (or Favorites 2 if it is set up) in a round-robin mode. So changing the current Flip By Favorites is easily changed at any time, and remains in effect until you change it again.

I hope this answers your question.

Verizon FiOS TV, Internet, and phone
QIP6416, IMG 1.6.2, Build 08.58
Keller, TX 76248

Enthusiast - Level 3

Perfect - only thing is I'm getting tired of setting up my favorites.

This is the 4th box I've had since January and now this one is messing up.  Next time it does I'm just calling VZ and they can send someone out I'm not messing with anything else.


@sosuzguy wrote:

This is the 4th box I've had since January and now this one is messing up.  Next time it does I'm just calling VZ and they can send someone out I'm not messing with anything else.

What STB do you have? And what kind of problems (if you have already posted your problems on the forum then maybe just post a link to that thread, who knows, maybe somebody here can help). I have had my DVR and two SD STBs for almost 4 years now, had one of the SD STBs replaced when it failed to power up, but other than that, no major problems, and those that I have had have been fixed by the periodic software updates, except for the lousy Guide data, but that will only be fixed when Verizon dumps FYI Television as the provider I think.

Verizon FiOS TV, Internet, and phone
QIP6416, IMG 1.6.2, Build 08.58
Keller, TX 76248

Enthusiast - Level 3

@sosuzguy wrote:

Please see this post.  Thanks


My guess is that it is a signal strength problem. I think it is highly unlikely that four separate DVRs will exhibit the same problem without there being some external cause. Were all of the DVRs you got the same model?

I have a QIP 6416, I did briefly have a few channels have the channel unavailable problem. It showed up about 3 years after installation. Called it in, tech came out the same afternoon, reached behind the DVR and removed an attenuator that had apparently been installed at the initial install. Problem solved! Apparently the signal from my ONT finally got out of spec, at least on a few channels, and it showed up as channel unavailable. The problem has not come back.

Some things to check:

1) Is there an attenuator anywhere in the connection between the ONT and your DVR? If so, try removing it.

2) Check the coax connections anywhere you can reach them, from the ONT to the splitter to the DVR.  

3) Do you have more than one splitter in the path from the ONT to the DVR? If so, get some RG6 coax and make a more direct connection, see if the issue goes away.

4) Is your splitter perhaps a 6-way with open ports? If so, get some terminators to put on the open ports, might help.

5) Do you have multiple STBs? Could you perhaps try moving the DVR to another connection, or another STB to where the DVR is now, to see if the problem moves, stays, or goes away?

6) There is a way to check the signal quality on any channel, have you done that? If not, basically the procedure is:

a) Set the DVR to the channel you want to check (one that is showing not available)

b) Power off the DVR and quickly press the Select button on the front of the DVR twice. This will display a Diagnostics menu.

c) Using the remote control, tab down the d04 entry, INBAND STATUS. Press the OK button, see if there are uncorrectable errors and if the SNR is shown as good.

d) There may be other entries you should look at that might give a clue as to the problem, I don't know, maybe take a look at everything to see if something bad pops out to you.

e) When you are finished, tab down to E and exit

f) Power the DVR back on.

You might want to also try this on a channel that is working to compare the values to the ones for an unworking channel.

Just a few thoughts. If you try any or all of the above and nothing fixes it, then I think you should get Verizon to come out and check the signal strength, perhaps all the way from the pole or vault to the DVR. 

Once again, hope this helps.

Verizon FiOS TV, Internet, and phone
QIP6416, IMG 1.6.2, Build 08.58
Keller, TX 76248

Enthusiast - Level 3

These were not all QIP7216 DVR's

The first 3 were the previous model before QIP7216

#1 Had such a lag that you could count to about 30 before it would respond to any commands, changing channels, pulling up the guide, turning on or off, starting to record, you name it...

#2 Had unbelievable hard drive noise.

#3 worked fine for about 2 months then just quit working, no display just dead.

*All of these three above were Verizon's used pieces of junk they'd distributed to other customers.  I got new service but used equipment!

The 4th box is a QIP7216 - occasionally when I turn on the TV there is only video No sound.  Then the video goes blank with a message the channel is currently unavailable and to call 866-962-1946.   enter quick code 8801.  Unplugging/plugging in the box usually fixes the problem for about 24 hours.

Fios Tech had me check all the signal strengths and stuff and I was told that everything was setup and currently the way it should be.

Next time I'll just call and they can come check it out for themselves.  We had Dish for 4 years and not a single problem.  We've had Fios since January and it's been nothing short of a nightmare!


Well, I guess that is about all I can suggest. Sorry. As I said I have a QIP6416, works great, but since mine was installed at the very beginning of the FiOS TV service mine was new.

I hope you can get your issue resolved, I have had FiOS TV since Sept. 2005 and am really happy with it.

Verizon FiOS TV, Internet, and phone
QIP6416, IMG 1.6.2, Build 08.58
Keller, TX 76248 



I am confused. Did you read the 4 page document I wrote and linked to in the first post? I think what I describe and recommend there is exactly what you want. Setting up and using the Favorites function they way I describe affects both using the Guide and using the Channel + and - buttons.

If you have actually tried what I recommended and it isn't what you want for your mother, please try again to describe what you are looking for. Thanks....

Verizon FiOS TV, Internet, and phone
IMG 1.6.2, Build 08.58
Keller, TX 76248

Enthusiast - Level 2

Actually, you're not confused - it's me who's a little dense.  I did read your document, but didn't quite get the connection.  The term "flipping" which Fios uses didn't make sense to me - it seemed a lot simpler with Directv.  However after your gentle reminders, I went back and decided to just follow your directions.  It works fine now.  Thanks for being patient.  One gets so used to terminology with one company that it takes a little push or two to get us to move to something new.  I'm happy so far with FIOS.  Now if they can just get that caller-id to display on the TV screen - we'll be making progress.  You'd think the phone company would have been the first to offer that simple feature.  I know, I know - it may be a limitation of the Motorola STBs, but that shouldn't be hard to overcome. 

Thanks again,

Oh, by the way, does anyone know how to contact the forum administrator?  I have had a heck of a time logging in.  Had to change user-id, screen name, and password several times to finally get back in here.


Glad you got it working! And yes, the terminology is at best what I would call "strange" but once I finally figured it out I thought others might have the same problems I did, so that is why I wrote the procedure up.

Caller-id on the TV? You really want the phone company to do that??? Just kidding Smiley Very Happy  , I agree, I don't understand why that was not in the first release of the FiOS TV service way back in 2005. It is rumored to be coming, but who knows, I certainly don't. One thing you can do is see if you can get Verizon Call Assistant. This is a free service that allows you to see calls to your phone on one of Verizon's websites. It also offers a client program that you can install that will give you a pop-up on your monitor whenever the phone rings - actually it pops up a second or two betore the phone starts ringing. It also will display all of your calls in a list on the PC so you don't have to go to the website. As I said, it is free, not an acceptable replacement for on the TV screen, but better than nothing. Ihave used it for many months, no problem, but some people report that it sometimes makes their PCs unusable, consuming excessive amounts of memory and processor resources.

The login problem is apparently a known issue. There have been a number of posts about it. I have never experienced it myself, but others do, for some reason. Contacting the administrator or a moderator is the right path I think. 

As to contacting the administrator or a moderator:  probably the easiest way is to send one of them a Private Message (PM). I suggest sending a message to KaLin, she is one of the moderators and is online very often. On the right side of the window when you are looking at the list of forums there is some info about how many users are on line, etc, and at the bottom of that is a link to view all users online - just click on that, find a moderator or administrator that you want to communicate with, click on their name, and then click on the "send this user a private message" link. (If you already know the name you want to communicate with, on the main forum page just click on the envelope icon on the upper right part of the window).

Hope the above helps. Welcome to FiOS, I hope you like it, I have had FiOS service now for almost 4 years and am very happy with it.

Verizon FiOS TV, Internet, and phone
IMG 1.6.2, Build 08.58
Keller, TX 76248

Enthusiast - Level 2

Justin, thanks, and for all of the info as well.  I have no doubt that I will enjoy FIOS - it offers some significant advantages over my old Directv service - particularly in the on demand service.  I'll miss a few nifty features that Directv's DVR offered, but that's to be expected.  I knew about them before I switched.  I'll also enjoy not occasionally losing service in severe weather - althought that did not happen often.  One feature I already like is the fact that you can "watch a trailer" of a movie before purchasing.  You didn't have that option with Directv.  Any idea about the mini buttons at the bottom of the remote? A,B,C,D.  I have found that the A button brings up the widgets, but the B,C,D buttons do not seem to have a current function.


You are more than welcome.

As to the A, B, C, D buttons: for now at least, the A button for the Widgets is the only one that works. I have no idea what if anything Verizon may have in the works for the others.

I'd like to make a suggestion to you (and any others that may read this post): it might help in the future if you would update your profile with your location (city and state) if you are willing to do it. There are a couple of reasons: 1) Verizon offers slightly different TV programming in parts of NY and NJ from the rest of the country, and 2) Verizon typically rolls out new features one or two areas of the country at a time, so if you are asking about something or looking for help it will make it easier for people to answer if they know where you are located.

Anyway, glad to help, there are lots of great folks here ready and willing to help, including some excellent Verizon employees.

Verizon FiOS TV, Internet, and phone
IMG 1.6.2, Build 08.58
Keller, TX 76248

Enthusiast - Level 2

Thanks Justin - good suggestion.  I had done that in my original logon information and profile (which I can no longer access), but after struggling to get re-registered I guess I neglected to do that.  I understand the login situation is being looked at.



Yeah they are looking at the login problem. I knew that but forgot that they were trying to keep all of the login problems consolidated in one place, sorry for the bad advice.

Verizon FiOS TV, Internet, and phone
IMG 1.6.2, Build 08.58
Keller, TX 76248

Khoros Partner
Khoros Partner

dbrennan wrote:

Oh, by the way, does anyone know how to contact the forum administrator?  I have had a heck of a time logging in.  Had to change user-id, screen name, and password several times to finally get back in here.

Hi dbrennan,

Would you please post this inthis thread in the forum feedback board??  We're trying to keep all the login issues in one thread so they can be given individual attention -- and so we know exactly how many people are experiencing it.  


Contributor - Level 2
I actually saw this before you put it up for review.  Excellent work sir.  I have submitted your guide to be distributed within the FSCs.