Deleted Email

With the upgrades to the new email system some of my old emails were deleted. Only during months from August - November. Also with this new system you select emails to delete and they do not delete.

Is there a reason why this is happening?

2 Replies
Master - Level 3

We have not gotten reports of this happening to other users. Do you have any other devices setup to check your email?

Enthusiast - Level 1

I thought I was the only one this was happening to -- I was online, reading and cleaning up my email late at night, and suddenly the webmail page froze.  It took forever to get back in.  When I did, and resumed checking and deleting email, I noticed that even though I checked a number of emails and the system SAID they'd deleted, when the screen refreshed they were still there.  I went through this a number of times before becoming frustrated.  Of course, when I clicked on "support" I got some lame error message page saying that the server did not recognize my request.  When I contacted live online support, I was told that the problem was with my browser, and that I should be using Google Chrome (!).  I informed them that the system had been working fine (well, as fine as the system ever works since Verizon started "upgrading" the email to its current state of almost complete non-functionality), and that Verizon had obviously just pushed some system-wide upgrade down our throats and that was the cause of the glitch.  "No", I was told, "if it was system-wide we'd have been deluged with complaints, and it's just you, so there" (or words to that effect).  No point in continuing THAT discussion.  When I returned to my email, I saw to my horror that several DAYS of email had vanished -- obviously what I was seeing on my screen (and checking off and deleting, over and over) was NOT what was actually being deleted, and that I had inadvertently deleted all that mail.

Luckily I learned a long time ago not to trust Verizon's webmail server -- I use my Blackberry as my backup, so that when things disappear I can still find them again.  But why should I have to do this?????

I HATE HATE HATE Verizon webmail!!!  it used to be useful, you used to be able to nagivate it -- you could go back a page or a day or a month or two and re-read or delete without constantly being returned to the current date and having to go back and try to find where you just were.  The back arrow actually used to WORK.  It's so impossibly cludgy now, and their customer service is the bottom of the bottom of a bottomless pit of uselessness.
