Email I received regarding changing settings by Dec. 2

Enthusiast - Level 3


I apologize if this has already been asked and answered, but I'm new and unfamiliar with all the terminology.

I did find this thread, which might apply to me, but I'm not sure:

Anyway, I received an e-mail today saying that I need to change my POP3 settings in my POP3 clients. It said I need to change the settings to SSL in order to continue to use an external mail client. Supposedly if I don't change the settings by Dec. 2, 2013, then I won't be able to use a POP3 client to access and send mail.

This was disturbing, as I need/want to continue to use Thunderbird (and another client called JBMail). I followed the instructions, attempting to change the settings, but they didn't work.

I use Thunderbird for incoming mail and JBMail for sending mail. My current settings are:, port 110; and, port 25, use SMTP AUTH

I've used these settings for years and haven't had any trouble except when I've been in a hotel. Then sometimes I've had to use port 587 to send mail.

Now, in the other thread referenced above, a respondent said that new settings don't apply to "yahoo portal email."

However, based on the email I received today, it sounded like I need to change my settings. The e-mail says:

In order to better protect your email and personal information, we are requiring that you update your Verizon Yahoo Mail settings to SSL before December 2, 2013 in all devices that you use to access your email account. Once updated, you will be able to continue to access your accounts through an external mail client (MS Outlook, etc.). If your
settings are not updated before December 2, 2013, you will only be able to access your Mail account from the Verizon
Yahoo portal.

I'm not so worried about receiving mail. I can probably forward mail to, say, a Gmail account, and then download. But I am very concerned about being able to send mail.

I send many emails a day and really need to be able to use a mail client. I intensely dislike web-based email.

I hope this hasn't been confusing. I'm just trying to find out if the letter really applies to me. If it does, then I need to figure out a way to get the new email settings to work.

Thank you for any help!


1 Solution
Enthusiast - Level 3

@logan8 wrote:

Could you possibly bypass your router in order to test the theory? Or is it a coax cable setup? If you are using Ethernet it would be easy to bypass the router

Hi Logan8,

Thanks for the reply. I always connect via wireless, but otherwise, yes, there are Ethernet cables. How would I bypass the router?

In any case, to try to solve this problem, I lowered my router's firewall settings to LOW. (Previously they were set to MEDIUM.) Doing this completely solved the problem, and I'm now able to use Thunderbird with ports 995 and 465 and SSL. However, I don't think I'm happy about having the firewall settings at LOW. I'm not really sure if I'm now opening my computer up to threats. The recommended setting was MEDIUM.

Another possible solution was port forwarding, but I haven't read enough about it yet to understand it. I don't want to mess around too much with the router settings and knock myself offline.

I'm also thinking of getting a new modem. According to what I've read, only older modem/routers like mine (Westell 327w) block ports 995 and 465.

View solution in original post

40 Replies

I am not able to reset these terms to make my email work.  I use Eudora

I have used this program for years and don't want to change.  Please help me.



I've received this email several times, and have called Verizon because the new settings will not work on my computers.  I own 3 Macintosh computers, an iPad and an iPhone, and if my memory serves me, I was told that these new settings do not work with Apple products.  I have not changed the settings (because the new settings don't work, anyway), and intend to leave them as they are, unless my email stops working.  

If you are running Apple products, I would suggest you leave the settings as they are.

You can always call customer support for information directly from the source!

Enthusiast - Level 2

I use the yahoo portal with LiveMail, and it works fine with my old settings of 25 out, 110 in, no SSL.  But it won't work with the new settings. 

Contributor - Level 3
yes old settings will still work... for now. It will stop working dec. 2. I have seen lots of problems with apple products because it wont save the new information when you put it in. usually powering of the apple device and back on will fix the problem though.

I  had  a problem  sending  E-mails  using Thunderbird  on  my  PC Desktop  but  no problems  with my  MAC BOOK  PRO.   After Changing the settings  and  not  being  able  to  send  on the Desk Top  , I  compared  setting  on the two  and  found  that on the desk Top I didn't  have the Outgoing Server (SMTP)    Edit  data  correct  with SSL/TLS and Normal  password  entered. Another words you  have  to  have (SSL/TLS    and  normal password)  on  both POP mail  Server  and

and the OutgoingServer  screen.

Enthusiast - Level 3

@xwx06 wrote:

I  had  a problem  sending  E-mails  using Thunderbird  on  my  PC Desktop  but  no problems  with my  MAC BOOK  PRO.   After Changing the settings  and  not  being  able  to  send  on the Desk Top  , I  compared  setting  on the two  and  found  that on the desk Top I didn't  have the Outgoing Server (SMTP)    Edit  data  correct  with SSL/TLS and Normal  password  entered. Another words you  have  to  have (SSL/TLS    and  normal password)  on  both POP mail  Server  and

and the OutgoingServer  screen.

Hi xwx06,

Thank you for the reply. Yes, I have everything configured correctly. Using the old settings in Thunderbird with port 110 for receiving and port 25 for outgoing, everything works fine -- for now. Changing the settings to port 995 for incoming, SSL/TLS and normal password does *not* work. For outgoing, trying 465, SSL/TLS, normal password also does *not* work.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Since ports 995 and 465 are not unique to Verizon, I began looking for another etiology for the problem.

At MozillaZine (and other sites), users said that many routers block ports by default, so I'm now thinking that my router (Westell 327w) is probably doing this. Solutions offered were to not use router's firewall, lower router's firewall setting to low (rather than medium or high), or use port forwarding.

I'm not able to access my router since it appears I don't have a record of the password. (I have the user name.) So, I'll have to reset the router. I only want to do that when Verizon tech support is available in case I'm unable to get things reconfigured properly.

If and when I get this problem resolved, I'll post back.

Contributor - Level 3

Could you possibly bypass your router in order to test the theory? Or is it a coax cable setup? If you are using Ethernet it would be easy to bypass the router

Enthusiast - Level 3

@logan8 wrote:

Could you possibly bypass your router in order to test the theory? Or is it a coax cable setup? If you are using Ethernet it would be easy to bypass the router

Hi Logan8,

Thanks for the reply. I always connect via wireless, but otherwise, yes, there are Ethernet cables. How would I bypass the router?

In any case, to try to solve this problem, I lowered my router's firewall settings to LOW. (Previously they were set to MEDIUM.) Doing this completely solved the problem, and I'm now able to use Thunderbird with ports 995 and 465 and SSL. However, I don't think I'm happy about having the firewall settings at LOW. I'm not really sure if I'm now opening my computer up to threats. The recommended setting was MEDIUM.

Another possible solution was port forwarding, but I haven't read enough about it yet to understand it. I don't want to mess around too much with the router settings and knock myself offline.

I'm also thinking of getting a new modem. According to what I've read, only older modem/routers like mine (Westell 327w) block ports 995 and 465.

pekoe6, skeptical this is a router problem. More likely a Verizon mail server issue. See this thread. 465 is a widely used send port beyond Verizon and the problem with Verizon is affecting multiple email clients. This all suggests it is neither an email client nor port issue but a Verizon mail server issue. That said, interested in any updates: did lowering router firewall settings and/or changing out your router solve the issue?
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@reg2 wrote:
pekoe6, skeptical this is a router problem. More likely a Verizon mail server issue. See this thread. 465 is a widely used send port beyond Verizon and the problem with Verizon is affecting multiple email clients. This all suggests it is neither an email client nor port issue but a Verizon mail server issue. That said, interested in any updates: did lowering router firewall settings and/or changing out your router solve the issue?

Actually quite likely with some routers.  He didn't specify which one he uses.

Pekeo6 you should be able to get it routing by allowing the ports 465 and 995 as outgoing.  For most routers thare are allowed for medium security but blocked for high security.  Note a had westell DSL router for Verizon, where I had to unblock such outgoing ports, but the Actiontec routers for Verizon FIOS should allow all outgoing ports when on medium.

I have a Verizon Actiontec router installed by Verizon specifically for use with FiOS. I have bever changed the Verizon-set firewall settings on the router (indeed, not sure how I would and would likely not do that unless Verizon instructed so). I'd add two data points: the 570 5.7.1 authentication issues never occurred until Verizon went to the 465 port and I have had the same router since FiOS was installed several years ago. This I think reasonably leads one to be skeptical of the router "solution" of reducing firewall protection. Open to that but that ought to come from Verizon as an explicit instruction with guaranty one is not increasing one's security risk. So at least in my case, and clear from multiple threads here I am not alone, that this challenge with sent mails on the ecosystem is not a settings issue (confirmed I and many others have the proper settings), can't be an email client issue (this is occurring across multiple clients and OSs, all reputable and established players), I'm using the Verizon - installed and set router and there are no problems with that router. Doesn't this all suggest some kind if handshake problem with the Verizon mail server? And if not, there needs to be a better answer from Verizon Support that this must be a settings or email client issue (conclusions of two separate Support folks after spending each a half hour on phone trying to identify the issue). If it's the router, this was not suggested by either Support person to me so Verizon needs to train or instruct Support more completely. Is it a router issue?
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Lots of people have had various problems who used Yahoo/Verizon interface, although they can be gotten to work. 

At this point I only have heard of one email client (not supported anymore and having SSL protocol problems) that does not work with the new settings once correctly entered and the email device is restarted.

Anyone wanting help from your peers here on this forum, PLEASE Identify the email client or device, and version, and post all your settings, except userid, password and other personal information.  And if you are using regular Verizon or Yahoo/Verizon email.

Newbie address using MS Outlook on Windows XP and Maildroid on Android Jelly Bean 4.3. 995 incoming 465 outgoing ports, all SSL checked.

But this is not unique to me. Across devices, OSs, and clients people are having trouble getting their sent mail to work without issue. And this all came about I believe when Verizon moved to the 465 outgoing port (same devices, OSs, and clients before that change had no issue). I had my third conversation with Verizon Support today and finally, REFRESHINGLY, a Verizon employee has admitted that Verizon is having trouble with its mail server. This person promoted this as a "new problem" which concerns me since for me and others this has been goign on for months (with no recognition other than that it must be a settings or email client issue; not). However, she advised that Suport has been told the ongoign server work will be done by Monday and they hope this will solve the authentication errors that are causing the probem. We'll see. But finally someone has admitted there is a Verizon mail server issue (it's not your settings, your email client, your router, or whatever). So maybe, maybe, some progress.
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@reg2 wrote: address using MS Outlook on Windows XP and Maildroid on Android Jelly Bean 4.3. 995 incoming 465 outgoing ports, all SSL checked.

But this is not unique to me. Across devices, OSs, and clients people are having trouble getting their sent mail to work without issue. And this all came about I believe when Verizon moved to the 465 outgoing port (same devices, OSs, and clients before that change had no issue). I had my third conversation with Verizon Support today and finally, REFRESHINGLY, a Verizon employee has admitted that Verizon is having trouble with its mail server. This person promoted this as a "new problem" which concerns me since for me and others this has been goign on for months (with no recognition other than that it must be a settings or email client issue; not). However, she advised that Suport has been told the ongoign server work will be done by Monday and they hope this will solve the authentication errors that are causing the probem. We'll see. But finally someone has admitted there is a Verizon mail server issue (it's not your settings, your email client, your router, or whatever). So maybe, maybe, some progress.

They didn't just move to 465, its been the value for several years if you wanted to use SSL.  They did change servers and are using different code (which one is not identified).  And the new servers will not accept non-ssl (port 25 or 587).

Yes a few server have failed in the last few weeks, but that is only causing complete communication failures, not basic config problems.  Assuming the server is the one that actually does authentication, it may show up as authentication error.  Note its not across the board and most people haven't hit it.


Thank you for the thoughtful response. You seem to have actual technical expertise or insights here and your response gets at my skepticism that the current work relates to the issue I and so many others continue to experience with regular 570 5.7.1 Authentication Error messages on sent mail. Hopefully the current work -- even if directed at some other server issue -- will nonetheless solve the problem. But as you also seem skeptical of that do you have an insight on the challenge? We know:
- it is not a settings issue for the many of us who know the settings (995 and 465, SSL turned on, check SSL before Pop3) and we have had Support walk through all this (in my case manually re-inputting all settings multiple times in hopes that might reset).
- we doubt it's a client problem or some unique, anecdotal ecosystem issue since from the multiple threads it is clear this is happening across clients with lots of people (in my own case MailDroid a fair target as a smaller developer but my MS Outlook on XP is now having trouble too; and the MD developer has been very responsive and confirms other of his Verizon customers are having these issues).
- The router "fix" suggested earlier in this thread (lower your firewall settings) strikes me as wrong on multiple levels. I'm certainly not doing that unless/until Verizon Support directs that, and in my now three extensive calls with Support this has NEVER even been suggested as a legitimate fix (their focus has been blame on settings or client).
- yes, 465 around for a long time as you say but it was not until last fall that Verizon mandated this move (that's how this thread originally started). Many of us had been using the 587 without incident for years. This for me is the most rational evidence suggesting this as a Verizon mail server issue. I don't see any persistent threads out there where other ISPs have users getting repeated and daily 570 5.7.1 error messages and having to resend those emails multiple times to get them through the handshake with the server.

So, with your expertise/insights any other ideas before I just junk my address (assuming this likely unrelated server work doesn't solve the issue) and use a different email provider?
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Curious if any of you have authentications problems have tls 1.2 enabled.  I have it off because of some problems with some web sites I depend on. At one point Verizon was one of them.  Not sure which email clients might have optionts to use TLS 1.2.

MailDroid: can deal with SSL and any version of TLS but it (MailDroid) mandates nothing. It deals with whatecer security handshakes the Verizon (or any other) mail server presents. My other client, Outlook 2000 on XP, doesn't support TLS 1.2 I don't think so not an issue there either.

Sadly, but as suspected, the Verizon mail server work over the weekend (if finished) didn't solve my authentication issues. Got a load of 570 5.7.1 errors tonight. Back to drawing board, or maybe just junking as email provider. Inceasingly clear this is a mail server issue they are just not interested in fixing. And it can be fixed: not seeing any other stream of regular authentication issues with other email providers using the 465 sent port being regularly reported online.

Very open (indeed eager to hear) other ideas since changing email addresses a pain.
4th go round with Verizon fixed the MS outlook issue (by typing my email address in the "Reply Email" prompt in the General Settings tab (never did or had to do that and folks aren't sure why it fixed it but it did). So with that and Verizon webmail working turned suspicion back on Maildroid. As a test, for last three days have used exclusively the Android stock email client with the same settings I use with MD. Not a single email has had an authentication issue or got stuck. This now squarely suggests a Maildroid issue. MD developer is terrific and is working on it. To TNS_2's suggestion about the security protocol, that is definitely a possibility being investigated.
I think I can report closure (finally) on my authentication 570 5.7.1 issues. I set up a account for the Maildroid developer and he reports that the Verizon mail server security handshake remains tricky but he has developed what he describes as a workaround and I am now seamlessly sending email. So I can't say what the issue is but after some considerable effort both of my mail clients (Outlook, after four calls with Verizon Support and finally settling on adding my email address in the "reply address" prompt in the General Settings tab, and Maildroid, after a "workaround" from the developer) are now seding emails via without issue; and the Verizon webmail was never a problem. I'd add only that last week I tried another Android mail client, K-@. When set up on its Auto security setting mail would not send via the 465 port. However, that client has three other security options and when I changed it to Plain the mail sent. So all of this suggests for reasons not clear to a non-tech peson like me that the Verizon security issue is tricky but it can be resolved with some serious effort. Hope all that helps any others dealing with this challenge.