Eudora & server changes

Contributor - Level 3

I was completely unaware of any planned changes to the Verizon email servers when I was unable to send email from Eudora yesterday although from reading through the forum I discovered that supposedly there were emails sent and some sort of announcements made--I received no email notification(s) and could find no announcement (there is NO announcement section displayed in "My Verizon, I want to.." section). I could successfully send mail out via Thunderbird. After 5-6 hours of browsing around and trying this and that, I stumbled across the correct changes that needed to be made in Eudora and joined the forum so I could post the following which I hope will help other Eudora users.

Before I get into the details, I should note that I have a number of different email accounts (Personalities) established in Eudora and my primary Eudora account--the "Dominant" personality--is not my verizon account so keep that in mind when reading the following:

1. Eudora > Tools > Options:
    A. Getting Started - existing account settings stay the same, change the following:
            - SMPT Server (Outgoing):

                                                       checkmark “Allow Authentication”

    B. Checking Mail - existing account settings stay the same, change:
              - Secure Sockets when Receiving: Required, Alternate Port

                                                                 (was: “if available, starttls”)

                 (I would  like to thank user "QRK" in thread

                "Email Settings - ONCE AND FOR ALL" for this key piece of info on

               what to choose in "Secure Sockets when Receiving"

    C. Sending Mail - existing account settings stay the same, change:
               - SMTP Server:

                                        checkmark: “Allow Authentication”

                                                          “Immediate Send”

                                                           "Send on Check”
               - SMTP Relay Personality: Required to send mail from Eudora from other

                                                        non-verizon email  accounts–the name of

                                                        Eudora verizon Personality (account)

                                                        selected from drop down menu
               - Secure Sockets when Sending: Required, Alternate Port

                                                                   (was: “if available, starttls”)

    😧 Optional: With Eudora closed, check the Eudora installation folder for a

                        subfolder “extrastuff” for the file “esoteric.epi” copying the file

                        to the main Eudora installation folder. This will add a “Ports” option

                        near the bottom of the Tools > Options list which will allow the

                        specification of a number of different ports. This is not required

                        and specifying the new SMTP port (465) in the appropriate Ports

                        option field does not speed up the send/outgoing mail processing.

2. Eudora > Tools > Personalities (or click on the Personality tab):
    A. “Dominant” Eudora Personality (email account) Properties: 

              - Generic Properties tab - existing account settings stay the same, change:
                    - SMTP Server:;

                                              checkmark: “Authentication Allowed”

                                                “Use Relay Personality, if Defined”

                                                 do not checkmark: “Use Submission Port (587)”
                   - Secure Sockets when Sending: Required, Alternate Port

                                                                     (was: “if available, starttls”)

              - Incoming Mail tab - existing account settings stay the same, change:
                  - Secure Sockets when Receiving: Required, Alternate Port

                                                                        (was: “if available, starttls”)

    Note: Change any other non-verizon email account (Eudora Personality)

              settings in the same way

    B. Verizon email account Eudora Personality Properties: 

            - Generic Properties tab - This is the “Relay Personality”

                  selected from the dropdown menu in 1C (Sending Mail)

                  above and the verizon account settings stay the same,change:
                       - SMTP Server:

                                               checkmark: “Authentication Allowed”

                                                  “Use Relay Personality, if Defined”

                                                  do not checkmark: “Use Submission Port (587)”
                      - Secure Sockets when Sending: Required, Alternate Port

                                                                         (was: “if available, starttls”)

             - Incoming Mail tab - verizon account settings stay the same, change:
                        - Server:
                        - Secure Sockets when Receiving: Required, Alternate Port

                                                                             (was: “if available, starttls”)

As I noted above, I had no problems--yesterday--sending mail using Thunderbird with the "Outgoing Server (SMTP)" using "Server Name" of "", "Port" 587, "Connection Security" of "None", "Authentication Method" of "Password Transmitted Insecurely".

Today however, thoseThunderbird settings didn't work so I changed the "Server Name" to, "Port" to 465, "Connection Security" to SSL/TLS and "Authentication Method" to Normal Password and my emails were successfully sent.

Hope the above proves useful...

59 Replies
Contributor - Level 3

For some reason my link to the thread "Email Settings - Once and For All" didn't work  and apparently one can't edit one's own's try this:

1. This is the raw link:

2. Let's try creating an active link: "Email Settings - Once and For All" and see if it works this time.

Contributor - Level 3

It is really incredibly annoying that you can't edit your own posts!

I have discovered a significant typo in my original post.

In the "1. Eudora > Tools > Options: A. Getting Started" the change should be made to SMTP Server (Outgoing)--not smPT--and the new server name is "smpt"

Also, if anyone has a link to the announcement for these changes, I'd appreciate it if you could post the link in a reply to this thread because I can't find the announcement anywhere--yes, I've looked in "My Verizon, I want to..." and there is no announcement section...


Master - Level 1

@tlb wrote:

...  if anyone has a link to the announcement for these changes, I'd appreciate it if you could post the link ...  

See if this helps:

Also and although my memory is a bit foggy on this, I don't believe you can edit your posts until your post count reaches a certain level (perhaps 5 or so).

Contributor - Level 3

>>armond_in_nj: See if this helps

Thanks for the link but what I was looking for was the "original" announcement from Verizon about this change.

As I noted, my first discovery of a problem was when I couldn't send mail out of Eudora and I discovered the server changes when I stumbled across the forum postings via a browser search for the error I was receiving when trying to send. I've not received any sort of email about it (via either my verizon email account or my alternate email account) and I can't find the announcement others have referenced--I can't find the Announcement section that someone said should be displayed within "My Verizon". 

>>armond_in_nj: Also and although my memory is a bit foggy on this, I don't believe you can edit your posts until your post count reaches a certain level (perhaps 5 or so).

Ahhh!'s really annoying not to be able to edit my own posts--particularly since the typo I later discovered in my initial post is significant...'-}}


Contributor - Level 3

So I have finally found the Verizon Announcements page:

I found it by:

1. Signing in to my Verizon account

2. Click on "I want to..."  -- left side of the screen, just above the boxed-options "Home", "My Services", "Bill and Payment", etc.

3. A drop down menu will display and from the "I want to..." drop down menu, I chose "Check Verizon Announcements"--I had been looking for an Announcements box-option in the list of box-options just below the "I want to..." not realizing that "I want to..." was actually a drop down menu..

Here is the link to the actual announcement about the email server changes--I have never received the email from Verizon about these changes that others said they received and as I have noted in my other posts, the first I knew of it was when I could not send from Eudora--url might wrap:

Hope the above proves useful...

Later Edit: I have also discovered that it takes 6 posts to be able to edit one's own posts BUT even though I can now edit this post (my 6th), I am still not allowed to edit posts 1 to 5! Truly, the Lithium BrandNation forum software has quite bizarre rules! I am a sysop on another forum and the forum software we use always allows users to edit their own posts but we have set the forum software to limit links in a newly registered user's posts until they have posted x-number of times which helps to stop drive-by link spam--there were no restrictions on my posting link(s) in my first post to the forum.



Been fighting this since yesterday.


I still am getting Shhhhh da da da Auth. failed.

iphone I havnt change anything and it still works.

But this is in Eudora 7.1 which I upgraded from 5.

But just canNOT get it to work since this change.


Thank YOU for this topic post.

Contributor - Level 3

>>donscomp: Thank YOU for this topic post.


You are most welcome...I hope that the settings I outlined did the trick for you--I meant to mention that I was using Eudora and forgot--but I'm not sure from your post that they did help because your post is a bit unclear.

Is Eudora working properly for you or not?

From what you said in your post, it appears that you are getting an error on your incoming mail--because the is the INCOMING mail server name.

In Eudora, check the following:

1. Eudora > Tools > Personality (or click on the "Personality" tab)

       - Highlight the appropriate personality

       - Right click and choose "Properties"

       - Click on the "INCOMING MAIL" tab         

       - Is "Server" set to

       - Is "Configuration" set to Pop

       - Is "Authentication Style" set to Passwords

       - Is "Secure Sockets when Receiving" set to "Required, Alternate Port"

2. Eudora > Tools > Options > Getting Started:

       - is "Mail Server (Incoming)" set to 

(I didn't have to change this because I use a different (non-verizon) incoming mail server)

       - is "SMTP Server (Outgoing)" set to

       - is "Allow Authentication" checkmarked

3. Eudora > Tools > Options > Checking Mail:

       - is "Mail Server" set to

       - is "Send on Check" checkmarked

       - is "Secure Sockets when Receiving" set to "Required, Alternate Port"



Eudora > Tools > Options > Incoming Mail:

       - is "Server Configuration" set to Pop

       - is "Authentication Style" set to Passwords

Enthusiast - Level 2

tlb -

Assuming I understand the multiple Personality environment in which you work, I would strongly recommend you investigate and understand the Relay Personality capability.  It will make life much simpler for you.

I too am a long time user of Eudora with multiple Personalities and believe it is still one of the best POP applications.

Contributor - Level 3

>>bigjim2: Assuming I understand the multiple Personality environment in which you work, I would strongly recommend you investigate and understand the Relay Personality capability.  It will make life much simpler for you.     

If you take a look at my first post, you'll see that I do have a Relay Personality defined (see "C. Sending Mail"). The Relay Personality is required to send mail from Eudora when using the Verizon servers--or at least, I never found a way to do it without the RP. I don't use my Verizon email account (I never send mail using the account) and my Eudora "Dominant" Personality is defined using another (non-Verizon) email account that I consider my primary email address and because of that the Eudora > Tools > Options > "Getting Started" and "Checking Mail" suboptions use that email address' servers--it's a compuserve account--so I only use Verizon's outgoing servers.

>>>>bigjim2: I too am a long time user of Eudora with multiple Personalities and believe it is still one of the best POP applications.

I love Eudora and I'm very grateful it still works--just recently had a new custom Win7 desktop system built and I was very pleased that I can use Eudora with no problems. I also use Thunderbird primarily for another email account--tbird also gives me a sort of backup to Eudora.


Contributor - Level 3

Tried to see if choosing "Mark as New" might allow me to edit the first post in this thread (it's mine) but it was a no go. The Lithium BrandNation forum software as implemented by Verizon is really ridiculous. I have never participated in a forum where one cannot edit one's own posts. Within this forum, you have to post 6 times before you are allowed to edit your posts and you can then only edit post number 6 and beyond.


Enthusiast - Level 2

Does this apply to Thunderbird?

Contributor - Level 3

>>bigdog15050: Does this apply to Thunderbird?

Basically yes although I was able to send and retrieve mail in Thunderbird using the old server info when Eudora was having problems but then a day later, I had to change the Thunderbird settings because I couldn't send or retrieve mail from Thunderbird--my sister who lives next door to me who also has FiOS broadband and uses Thunderbird has not (yet) needed to make any changes...who knows why??? '-}}

In Thunderbird, you want to go to:

A. OUTGOING server settings:

1. Tools > Account Settings

2. Look for and click on the "Outgoing Server (SMTP)" section on the left side of Account Settings display window--you may need to scroll down if you have a lot of different email accounts

3. Highlight your existing entry (more than likely labelled "(Default)") and then click on the Edit button

4. The "SMTP Server" window will display. In the "Settings" section, change "Server Name" to and "Port" to 465

5. Still in the "SMTP Server" window, in the "Security and Authentication" section, change "Connection Security" to SSL/TLS and "Authentication Method" to Password--both are dropdown menus so just select the appropriate one. "User Name" should not have to be changed.

6. Ok out

B. INCOMING server settings for a Verizon email account:

1. Tools > Account Settings: highlight/click on a verizon email account on the left side of the Account Settings display window or scroll up from Outgoing Server (SMTP)

2. The "Account Settings" screen > Email Adddress data field should have your full verizon email account address--as in settings should not have to change

3. Click on the "Server Settings" suboption for the verizon email account:

          - Change: "Server Name" to

          - Change: "Port" to 995

          - "User Name" should not have to be changed

          - In the "Security Settings" subsection:

                  - Change: "Connection Security" to SSL/TLS

                  - Change: "Authentication Method" to Normal Password

4. Ok out

NOTE: The first time you retrieve mail after making the above changes, you will be asked for your (verizon email) account password so enter that and remember to click on "Save Password" or you will be asked to enter your account password every time you retrieve mail.

Hope that helps... 

Enthusiast - Level 2
Thanks t. Kudos given. Is this new change just as good or secure? Mine still works without the changes listed here.
Contributor - Level 3

>>bigdog15050: Thanks

You are most welcome...'-}}

>>bigdog15050: Is this new change just as good or secure?

I have no idea if the changes are good and/or secure but Verizon did change the security protocol so one guesses that it will be more secure however, given my own experience, spammers are hard to beat. I have never used my Verizon email account and I still get spam at the account...'-}}

>>bigdog15050: Mine still works without the changes listed here.

I can't figure out how Verizon is rolling out the changes. I have never received an email from Verizon about the changes that others have mentioned and only discovered the new settings when I couldn't send mail out from Eudora although at the same time, I could send mail from Thunderbird but then the next day, I couldn't send mail from Thunderbird using the "old" settings and could when I changed to the new. My sister who lives next door to me and also uses FiOS broadband is still successfully using the "old" settings in Thunderbird to send and receive mail. I'd probably continue to use the "old" settings until they don't work any more making a note of the new...

Enthusiast - Level 3

FYI -- I have been trying all day to set up my Eudora as suggested in this thread, but it has not worked.

Finally I gave up and hit the online chat button.  After a 30 minute wait I got into chat, and was eventually told that there was a technical problem with offline mail server in my area (Maryland).

I was able to download mail using the settings mentioned -- except that instead of I had to use, port 995.

I have not been able to establish an authenticated connection to send mail via, port 465.

The person on the chat line said that I should be able to send mail by tomorrow.

Contributor - Level 3

>>dale535: After a 30 minute wait I got into chat, and was eventually told that there was a technical problem with offline mail server in my area (Maryland).

How weird...I'm in VA (Reston) and I've had no problems today sending mail with Eudora--I don't use the Verizion incoming mail servers because I'm retrieving mail from another non-verizon email account.

>>dale535: I was able to download mail using the settings mentioned -- except that instead of I had to use, port 995.

Hey! If it works...use it...'-}}

>>dale535: I have not been able to establish an authenticated connection to send mail via, port 465.

In Tools > Options > Sending Mail, do you have "Secure Sockets when Sending" set to "Required, Alternate Port" with "Allow Authentication", "Immediate Send" and "Send on Check" all checkmarked?

In Tools > Personalities (or via the Personalities tab) > "Generic Properties" tab, did you UNcheck "Use Submission Port (587)" and set "Secure Sockets when Sending" to "Required, Alternate Port"?

Also...don't know if it will help but you could try:

With Eudora closed, check the Eudora installation folder for a subfolder “extrastuff” for the file “esoteric.epi” copying the "esoteric.epi" file to the main Eudora installation folder. This will add a “Ports” option near the bottom of the Tools > Options list which will allow the specification of a number of different ports.

Doing this didn't seem to affect my system at all but it might be worth a try on yours.

Keep us posted on what happens...

Enthusiast - Level 3

@>>tlb wrote:

>>dale535: After a 30 minute wait I got into chat, and was eventually told that there was a technical problem with offline mail server in my area (Maryland).

>>tlb: How weird...I'm in VA (Reston) and I've had no problems today sending mail with Eudora--I don't use the Verizion incoming mail servers because I'm retrieving mail from another non-verizon email account.

did you put the >>dale535 in by hand, or is there a way to make quoted material stand out when replying?

The guy did say it was "in my area", but that could have been fairly local.


Did you put  

>>dale535: I have not been able to establish an authenticated connection to send mail via, port 465.

>>tlb: In Tools > Options > Sending Mail, do you have "Secure Sockets when Sending" set to "Required, Alternate Port" with "Allow Authentication", "Immediate Send" and "Send on Check" all checkmarked?

I have all of those set, except for "immediate send".  Sometimes I end up deciding to edit an outgoing message before I send it.  I'm set to "send on check".

>>tlb: In Tools > Personalities (or via the Personalities tab) > "Generic Properties" tab, did you UNcheck "Use Submission Port (587)" and set "Secure Sockets when Sending" to "Required, Alternate Port"?

DId that.

>>tlb: Also...don't know if it will help but you could try:

>>tlb: With Eudora closed, check the Eudora installation folder for a subfolder “extrastuff” for the file “esoteric.epi” copying the "esoteric.epi" file to the main Eudora installation folder. This will add a “Ports” option near the bottom of the Tools > Options list which will allow the specification of a number of different ports.

Did that also, and selected port 465 for smpt and 995 for pop.  Didn't bother with setting the imap port since I don't think that is being used by my set up.

>>tlb: Keep us posted on what happens...

Will do.

[edit -- added at 01:50am EDT, 26Mar]  Sending mail now works for me via the ports as described.  I also saw other posts talking about outages in multiple areas.  Probably having to do with Verizon changing the server settings.

Contributor - Level 3

>>dale535: did you put the >>dale535 in by hand, or is there a way to make quoted material stand out when replying?

I copy/paste the entire post I'm replying to in the reply window and then pick the bits I want to quote manually bolding the user name and then manually italicizing the text and I delete the parts of the original post that I don't use--I find the Lithium BrandNation forum software odd (to put it kindly) so this works for me and I hope it's not too confusing for you...'-}}

>>dale535: The guy did say it was "in my area", but that could have been fairly local.

Personally, it sounds like "I have no clue as to why you can't send mail so I'll use the local-technicla-glitch excuse" but...after reading your edit, maybe not...'-}}


>>dale535: I have all of those set, except for "immediate send".  Sometimes I end up deciding to edit an outgoing message before I send it.  I'm set to "send on check".

I figured you did but just in case...

>>dale535: DId that.

During my first tries as getting send mail to work I kept the "Use Port 587" checkmarked only to learn later that it would muck things up--I didn't know about the new port numbers at that point.

>>dale535: Did that also, and selected port 465 for smpt and 995 for pop.  Didn't bother with setting the imap port since I don't think that is being used by my set up.

Copying esoteric.epi and setting the Ports didn't seem to affect my Eudora setup but I'm glad I have that option now. From what I have read browsing around here, Verizon has no intention of supporting IMAP for their email accounts but if you have a non-verizon email account, it can be IMAP and the Verizon outgoing server will send mail--I have another email account that I use Thunderbird for and it's IMAP.

>>dale535: [edit -- added at 01:50am EDT, 26Mar]  Sending mail now works for me via the ports as described.  I also saw other posts talking about outages in multiple areas.  Probably having to do with Verizon changing the server settings.

Oh YAY!!! I'm glad it's working for you now...'-}}

Enthusiast - Level 2

I think the spammers get in when you answer a e mail from someone who uses "yahoo" or whateer and you make the "list"

Contributor - Level 3

>>bigdog15050: I think the spammers get in when you answer a e mail from someone who uses "yahoo" or whateer and you make the "list"

I wouldn't be surprised. I do have a Yahoo email account that I established many eons ago for the Yahoo Groups I belong to and I use it as a throw-away account when I need to register for some site I will never visit again and interestingly enough, I rarely get spam at that account but I get a fair amount of spam with my other email accounts with spoofed email addresses. My first verizon email account came with my Verizon DSL account--I now have FiOS--and I had the account less than 2 hours (never used it anywhere) before the first batch of spam hit the account...'-}}

