Fake Or Real Email From Verizon?

This for real or a fake/spam email?

It comes from "verizon-notification@verizon.com"

and I might believe it, except I got it TWICE today to the SAME email address and in the "TO" field it says "xxxxx@verizon.net" (email #1) and "xxx@verizon.net" (email #2) which is NOT my email address.

Until I know for sure, I will NOT be doing it!


Dear Verizon Internet Customer,

At Verizon, we continue our efforts to enhance your online experience as well as ensure ongoing security for our Internet customers.  As a result, Verizon Online has modified the way email is handled when sent or received through an email application other than MyVerizon. 

If you only use MyVerizon to access your email account, no action is required and you may disregard this email.  If you do, however, use other applications to access your Verizon email, such as Outlook Express®, you will need to modify your email settings to take advantage of enhanced security we now offer. 

In order to make these modifications, please visit ...://verizon.com/emailsettings for information about the  email settings you need to update.  Additional information may also be available by going to our online forum at ...forums.verizon.com

Thanks for being a valued Verizon Online customer and we encourage you to act now to ensure your email account has the proper settings on a going-forward basis.     


Verizon Online

4 Replies

I got it twice also. The fact that at least ONE step in the process is missing altogether, the fact that there is a typo under "update Outlook 2010" where the fool that posted this spelled CLICK as KLICK leads me to believe that it's bogus.

A real Web writer would not make such an amateurish mistake.


I agree, and besides, it should go to your email --- my email was never in the TO field, it was random email addresses but it DID come from a verizon.com email account (which I know their email addresses usually come from verizon.net but verizon.com is a valid website they run) but really, I think it's fake but if so, it begs the question, who in their company is sending fake emails.


I followed the instructions and my email did not work (I tested it) so I changed the settings back to default.

Champion - Level 3

Yes, it's really from Verizon. They are making a big push to get everyone switched over to SSL settings instead of unsecured POP3 access. There are many threads about this already.

Also, odds are that the second email you received was sent to your vzid, which begins with vze- or res-. Every account has one, automatically assigned by Verizon on creation.