Fios Welcome Bonus
Enthusiast - Level 1

I redeemed my $200 Welcome Bonus 2 months ago back in February. Immediately after redeeming it, I got an email saying that it is on the way. I remember checking the status of it about a week after I redeemed it and it said it would arrive in 30 days.  About 6 weeks later, I still didn't receive it so I checked its status again and it said it would arrive in 2 weeks. About four weeks later, it still didn't arrive so I tried to go to the "Fios Welcome Bonus" link where I was able to check its status the previous two times except the link was no longer there. I called Verizon and they said they don't have any record of it and that these cards are only given out as codes online and not physical cards anymore and I should try to redeem again. I can't find the reward to redeem on my Verizon. So not only did it not come within the 30 days as Verizon told me, they don't have any record of me redeeming it and their solution is for me to redeem once again which isn't even an option. It seems like many other people have issues with the welcome bonus as seen on this forum and I can't believe that Verizon hasn't fixed it. 

1 Reply
Moderator Emeritus

Hi sforumaccount,

Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Please check your Private Messenger Inbox for a message from a Verizon Support agent. You can find your Inbox by clicking on your username at the top right corner of this page and then clicking the envelope icon that appears at the top of the menu. Response times may vary. Please continue to check your Inbox for a reply from a Verizon agent. Please direct all correspondence concerning your issue to the agents who will be assisting you privately.
