Tried getting a Verizon plan, found out I have past due account that isn't mine....

Like I said, I tried getting a verizon wireless cell phone plan but was told that I have an oustanding balance of $800 some odd dollars.....

Turns out that this account was the account that I transfered to an individual that moved into the house I previously lived at. I still have the contact number and name of the person who is living there now and contacted him, he says the bill is in his name.

So why would my ssn be on the account but with a different name? That would constitute as fraud in my eyes. The biggest blow? It just now appeared on my credit report and my credit score dropped by frigging 70 points.

I specifically remember the process to transfer over the account. we both got on the phone call with Verizon and they transfered ownership over the phone but when it came time for the final bill that he apparently didn't pay, thats on me.

Verizon seriously cannot be that incompetant. The best part is that I currently have fios service at my current home so....

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