Why can't Primary and Sub accounts be accessed on the same page?
Enthusiast - Level 3

I have a Primary email account and also a sub account.  I normally use Windows Mail to access my email.  In Windows Mail, I can read emails sent to either account, and can also send from either account.

The only time I go to the Webmail page is when I am traveling and can't access my home computer.  In Verizon Webmail, I can only check the account I log in with.  It's very annoying and time consuming to log in, check one account, sign out, and then log in to check the other account.  By the way I use the same password for both accounts.  Is there anyway that this can be changed?  It should at least give us the option to add a sub account on the same page as the primary account. 

9 Replies
Champion - Level 3

If you are wanting the messages to come to the same account, an alias would serve you better than a sub account.

If you really want all of the mail to be in one inbox, set your sub account up in the primary account to be accessed via pop3, or set forwarding on the sub to the primary. That would cause all of your mail to be accessible via the priamry login, but you would still have to log in with the sub to send from that address.

If you need help finding these settings, please let me know.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I am having a similar issue and of course a problem!  I followed the changes for the Verizon email as per the email we all received  (no problem) and while I was doing that I thought I would create another email account for myself on Windows Mail (Vista) and not sure why I keep getting a Windows Security pop up asking me to Log on with my user name & password ...which I have done and whether I complete that or not, I consistently get an error message about authentication failed and the error message numbers.  Can't figure out what I have done wrong since I set up the second email with the same settings as the first (just a different email address). Anyone have a clue as to what I can do to remedy this?



Champion - Level 3

@Anin wrote:

I am having a similar issue and of course a problem!  I followed the changes for the Verizon email as per the email we all received  (no problem) and while I was doing that I thought I would create another email account for myself on Windows Mail (Vista) and not sure why I keep getting a Windows Security pop up asking me to Log on with my user name & password ...which I have done and whether I complete that or not, I consistently get an error message about authentication failed and the error message numbers.  Can't figure out what I have done wrong since I set up the second email with the same settings as the first (just a different email address). Anyone have a clue as to what I can do to remedy this?



This may seem obvious, but it isn't mentioned. Did you actually go to the Verizon webpage and create the sub in question? Just adding it in a POP3 program won't add it to Verizon's system.


I am a new customer and have one primary account and three sub-accounts. I am trying to setup what I had with Comcast, which is the ability to see the sub-accounts when I log on to the primary. I found this thread which tells me what I need to do, but using the settings given by Verizon (see below) I get an error message that states "Unable to connect to the POP3 server". I tried using mail.verizon.net" instead of incoming.verizon.net and I get the same error.

Mail server settings

  • Incoming mail server (POP3😞 incoming.verizon.net
  • Incoming Server Port Numbers: 995
  • Outgoing mail server (SMTP😞 outgoing.verizon.net
  • Outgoing Server Port Numbers: 465  Why is this important?
  • Your Verizon Online user name
  • Your Verizon Online password
  • Make sure "This server requires a secure connection (SSL)" is checked.

Can anyone let me know what the proper settings are and if I can setup my sub-accounts this way?

Thank you,


Champion - Level 3

@horseman wrote:

I am a new customer and have one primary account and three sub-accounts. I am trying to setup what I had with Comcast, which is the ability to see the sub-accounts when I log on to the primary. I found this thread which tells me what I need to do, but using the settings given by Verizon (see below) I get an error message that states "Unable to connect to the POP3 server". I tried using mail.verizon.net" instead of incoming.verizon.net and I get the same error.

Mail server settings

  • Incoming mail server (POP3😞 incoming.verizon.net
  • Incoming Server Port Numbers: 995
  • Outgoing mail server (SMTP😞 outgoing.verizon.net
  • Outgoing Server Port Numbers: 465  Why is this important?
  • Your Verizon Online user name
  • Your Verizon Online password
  • Make sure "This server requires a secure connection (SSL)" is checked.

Can anyone let me know what the proper settings are and if I can setup my sub-accounts this way?

Thank you,


Those settings appear to be correct. What program are you putting them into? What is the full error you are getting?


Hi - Let me re-explain the problem - hopefully that will clarify!

I created a Verizon sub-account off of my primary account.

I don't see the sub when I logon into my primary email account.

I then clicked the "Email & more" link in the header and then the "Settings" link below that.

I then clicked "Import" in the lower left.

I then clicked "Import POP3 email" in the left-hand side.

I then clicked the "Add Email" at the top of the page.

I then get a popup to "Import and Access Email (POP3). In Step 1 I enter the following info:

Email provider: Others

Provider name: verizon

Email address: subaccount@verizon.net

Password: password of the subaccount.

POP Server: incoming.verizon.net

Port: 995

I then click the Next button and I get a pop-up titled "Authentication failure" with the text "Unable to connect to the POP3 server".

Thank you and Happy New Year!

Contributor - Level 1

yep, I want to do the same and followed the exact same steps...chose other for the provider, input the inc mail server and port # for SSL, yadda yadda yadda and just like all the others...get the error of unable to connect to the server which I know is hokey as its their server and is in use by my desktop client just fine TYVM.

I don't want an alias as that doesn't let you filter as it comes in to the box based on the target (destincation) account.

I'm surprised that this is another feature that I lost when I left Roadrunner from TimeWarner...sheesh...this speaks volumes IMHO.

This goes to the lack of understanding of how the users (read real world) uses their product and the lack of adult leadership in the their design community. I know all too well where that leads having lead SW design and support for large telephone systems in the past (including many of those still in use for Verizon today)...<sigh>

Champion - Level 3

@Roadking10453 wrote:

yep, I want to do the same and followed the exact same steps...chose other for the provider, input the inc mail server and port # for SSL, yadda yadda yadda and just like all the others...get the error of unable to connect to the server which I know is hokey as its their server and is in use by my desktop client just fine TYVM.

I don't want an alias as that doesn't let you filter as it comes in to the box based on the target (destincation) account.

I'm surprised that this is another feature that I lost when I left Roadrunner from TimeWarner...sheesh...this speaks volumes IMHO.

This goes to the lack of understanding of how the users (read real world) uses their product and the lack of adult leadership in the their design community. I know all too well where that leads having lead SW design and support for large telephone systems in the past (including many of those still in use for Verizon today)...<sigh>

You can set up a filter that does this by going to Settings > Email Settings > Filters and creating a Filter like this:

If To matches <alias@verizon.net> Then <action you would like taken>.

As for why the pop3 settings aren't working... I don't know the answer to that. When I tested mine, it worked ok.

Contributor - Level 1

Thanks...and I wish it were as simple as using the webclient here at VZ all the time but it isn't (in which case the alias and filter would work great). But I use local clients most of the time and when stuff is downloaded via the POP3 to my system(s), I have to build a ton of filters to send stuff where I want based on content along with addressee. I use Outlook here on the home systems but for checking sturf at work I have firewall restrictions that don't deal with SSL and specific ports for email clients very well (read they block em) so I have to use a generic system to read and forward them as IMAP (gmail does this quite nicely). Its a mess I know so the easiest/most direct method has been to have the email accounts separate and use them for specific reasons. Also helps me keep track of spam and where its coming from (and the alias would do that as well I know).

Anyway...tks for the reply...Rk

And your guess is as good as mine (maybe better) why I can't link the other account to my primarty using the POP3 stuff. The POP3 works great for a local client (outlook, et al) but I can't get it to work for linking in here.
