adverisements and reality


so verizon sends an advertisement  to  my mother's house that says you are eligible for a bundle with tv/internet/phone   $59 a month.  go to  .  it says your house is already wired  and ready to go, you are eligible.

i go to the web site and  there's no way to choose the $59 plan.  i talk to the live chat person, she says sorry you are  not eligible.  i tell her  the advetisement says i am.   she says no you aren't  they send these advertisement in bulk.  

it  may have been in bulk,  but the advertisement  included details such as "your house is already wired"  etc which i know is true,  the box was already installled in the house.

wasted an hour  on this.  where do i send my bill for my time verizon?

i just had a similar experience with my own plan.   get it together!

1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

Hi rlescure,

If you have a few moments, I know it's a valid deal in certain areas, I would be happy to look in to this for you

Can you send me a copy of this post and the address in question to our private message please?

It won't take me but a few minutes to find your answer once I have the above information 🙂

