e-mail account I

On my e-mail account I keep getting messages that my mailbox is almost full.  I have

deleted messages, emptied my trash and had lengthy correspondence with ITOK and all to no avail.  How can I fix this problem?

4 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hi, vincentcandura! Sorry to hear this.

Do you use a client (e.g. Mac Mail, Outlook, cell phone app, etc.) to access your email? If so, it may not be configured to delete from the server when you delete from the client itself, allowing messages to "stack up,"  so to speak, out of sight.

How does your mailbox look when you sign in directly at the Verizon site?  Are the trashed messages absent there, or do you still see them?

Also, is it possible that one or more large attachments may account for the reduction in available space?  


Master - Level 1

you get this error if your emails are saved to the server....all files and folders on webmail count towards your overall capacity. so if emails are in the trash empty it...also check the sent folder if you send emails from webmail

Enthusiast - Level 2

I use Outlook but go iinto my Verizon account and delete all the emails that are on the server.  Does the alert message box from Verizon that my email account is full reflect my Outlook Inbox?  That doesn't make sense because Verizon is not keeping the emails I have on my computer.  Please explain why I keep getting this message!!!

Champion - Level 3

@b4a5s wrote:

I use Outlook but go iinto my Verizon account and delete all the emails that are on the server.  Does the alert message box from Verizon that my email account is full reflect my Outlook Inbox?  That doesn't make sense because Verizon is not keeping the emails I have on my computer.  Please explain why I keep getting this message!!!

Are you deleting the messages from the Trash folder as well? Even messages in the Trash folder count towards your total.

In webmail, there should be a section in the left pane at the bottom titled Message Center Storage. Opening that section should show you how much space is being used for that account in webmail at the present time.
