Moving Photos from Verizon Cloud to Phone
Enthusiast - Level 2

After I have restored old photos using the Verizon Cloud app, how do I move the photos to my new Pixel XL phone?

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4 Replies
Customer Service Rep

PnStJrSy, congratulations on your new phone. We want to ensure you retain al of your special memories. If your old photos have been saved to the cloud, once you run Verizon Cloud on the new phone, you will have the option to restore those same photos. Were you able to restore your old content by following the set up / restore process using the Verizon Cloud App on your Pixel?


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Enthusiast - Level 2

I was able to restore old content using the Verizon Cloud app, but the photographs were only restored within the app and not on my phone. So I can view all of my old pictures when I go into the Verizon Cloud app only - they are not visible anywhere else on the phone. Is there a way to move them onto the phone outside of the Verizon Cloud app?

Community Leader
Community Leader

How about a better option? Download the pictures from the Verizon Cloud using your computer and upload them to your Google account online. They will sync your phone and your can download them locally as needed.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Enthusiast - Level 2

So that is a great idea in theory. But I have A LOT of pictures, and that option seems to allow me to upload to the Google account only one at a time. I've tried playing around with some different ways of doing it, but so far no luck. I will keep trying. Thank you for taking the time to respond. Smiley Happy
