Talking to customer service is harder than audience with the Pope

I got a work phone and I want to add my personal number to it.  Despite all the eSim content on the web, it doesn't actually have a place for you to get the q code for your line to add to a device.  I tried to contact CS, but their robot can't understand words like eSim, and their call back feature does not dial back to all phone numbers in the US, just ones belonging to them.  Talking to a human is impossible.  Come on Verizon!  If you paid your CS people a living wage, maybe you can hire more of them.  Stop outsourcing your CS and pay up for your unprecedented business so people will want to work for you.

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Contributor - Level 3

Verizon doesn't care about retention. All they care about as far as CSRs go is who can milk the most out of customers during this pandemic. 
