Important Note: Memory Management
Verizon Employee

If you encounter low memory messages including “Available app space” or “Storage space running out” please check the software on your tablet:

1) Go to Settings
2) Select About Tablet
3) Refer to SW Version

If the SW Version on your Ellipsis 7 tablet is:
MV7A_31D16_422  OR
MV7A_31D18_422  OR

Then moving to software version MV7A_31D25_422A will enhance the available storage on your device. You are eligible for a software update on the tablet. Please call our Customer Support at 1 (800) 837-4966, and they will support you through this process. You will be required to ship your device for this software enhancement.

If your tablet is on MV7A_31D25_422A or MV7B_31D41_422 , then your device already has all the memory improvements and you will need to free up memory space. Please uninstall apps that are not needed and move media files to an SD card or to your PC.

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37 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

I'm curious, why would we have to ship our devices to update software? Considering this is "the electronic age" one would think it possible to be able to d/l the updates. Coincidentally I'd been told by a rep in the recent past, after making a complaint that my memory and app space was running low but that there was plenty of space in the tablet 'side' that all I needed to do to update my software was select the Software Updates, then Check New. This of course was after moving certain applications to the tablet space in an attempt to make more room on the app 'side'. Was this inaccurate information? Thank you! Smiley Happy

Verizon Employee

Hi Magika

The information you previously received is accurate, however there are further memory enhancements with software versions MV7A_31D25_422A and MV7B_31D41_422 that cannot be achieved through an over-the-air update. Our Customer Support at 1 (800) 837-4966 can provide you with additional information about this process. Hope that helps!

Enthusiast - Level 2

It is displeasing that the units must be shipped somewhere to affect this upgrade. We would not have the devices during this time and there is no indication of the time this will take. Is it not something that can be done in a Verizon store?

Also aggravating is the fact that we must pay to ship and subsequently insure (or pay for delivery receipt) the package(s) due to the frequency of thefts in both the US Postal Service and private shipping companies alike.


Verizon Employee

Hi Magikal

The shipping will be paid for by Verizon and it will include tracking information so you do not need to pay for shipping or insurance. Unfortunately, this upgrade cannot be done in a store.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Thanks, I'll give the number a call.



I found this thread while investigating the "available app space" issue on my own Ellipsis 7, which is running software version MV7A_31D26_422.

I just spent an utterly maddening hour on the phone (half of it on hold) with multiple Verizon support people, including a supervisor, all of whom insisted that I was completely mistaken when I read your posts to them. Among their claims were that "none of that applies to prepaid, only contract", "we never handle shipping of devices", "you would have to ship it to the manufacturer", and "you're responsible for your own device."

When I attempted to point the supervisor at this thread, she dismissed your posts by saying "that's only a message board, that's just someone's opinion" and when I finally convinced her to enter the URL, she responded with "this is asking me to create an account, so I won't be able to see it" and refused to do anything else. That was the end of the call.

I'm not sure what to do at this point. Is there any way that I can initiate this process? I seem to be out of support options.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Why when we took out tablets to our local store to find a solution for the out of space issue, we were NOT told about this update and were told to purchase  32gb micro SD cards to solve the problem.  What is it, a SW update or purchase an SD card?  I would like to use my tablet for something other than a web browser and calculator. 

Enthusiast - Level 1

I went to Verizon store and had them call. I have ver MV7A_31D26_422. The tech rep said they have NO info on this issue and would not forward to tier 2 tech support until going through the script they have ( my local Verizon person was on the phone 1 hour by this time). I finally asked to talk to the rep and requested  T2 support or a supervisor, I was put on hold and my issue was never addressed (i.e they never came back and left me on hold for 30 min). 1.5 hours in, I finally purchased a Samsung Tab 4 8.0 and had to eat the additional cost of the Ellipis 7 to buy out on the contract . Poor tech support on the phone (the people at the store were great, but they were treated that same as us users).

I hope this gets back to support management.



To clarify:  This software upgrade is being handled by the Verizon TECH dept (it took 20+ min on hold).  Once there, the tech employee had no idea what I was talking about... so I gave her this thread number and a bunch of information (and my Ellipsis 7's software version).  Now things are getting warmer. After 5 more min, she calls back, saying that this would be the procedure (as unbelievable as it will sound): 

"Verizon will ship you a box. (two days).  Put the tablet in the prepaid postage box and send it to us (2-3 days), we'll fix it (3-5 days), and send it back to you (1-2 days)."  I said, "You've gotta be kidding!! How about you email me a shipping label, just like Amazon and Lands' End all do, and I'll send it to you today??"  Nope. Sorry. 

Gee, Verizon, are you still living in1970? I hope some MBA class analyzes how much money and time you waste by doing it this way. Might explain my $250+ monthly bill for the last 16+ years.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Had the exact same experience in 45 minutes! The 'tech' (as one, I use this term lightly!) will have no idea what you are talking about and probably say they haven't heard anything about it. You will need to be very pointed with them and tell them an internet search for "verizon ellipsis 7 failed kitkat update" will yield thousands of results in the past 5 days.

Then they will proceed to tell you they have to send a box which will take 3-5 business days, you send the device 3-5 business days, up to 2 days for them to 'acknowledge' and then potentially up to 2 weeks for it to be fixed. If they can't fix it, they will send you another, refurbished device. within 7 business days.

     WAIT... you read that right... REFURBISHED

     I bought my device brand new, not to have a refurbished device. Does this mean the price difference will be refunded to me...

@VzW- what kind of "benefits" can this software provide that can't be delivered OTA or directly flashed? Why don't the store reps have the ability to flash devices anymore? I went to 2 different stores to avoid the month long process I described above only to find out no one can do this.

As to the memory space issue:

Once you get the 4.4 upgrade, you should be able to move apps to the SD card. This is not an Android limitation, but will be a device limitation if we are not able to.

I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 running 4.4.4 and can easily do this. I know people with a Galaxy Note and an S5 that are allowed to do this with 2 taps.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Carol you will need to tell what options you need to get through to someone.  Both people I spoke with couldn't help and didn't know what I was talking about.  Thanks

Verizon Employee

lizbroughton, We were disappointed to hear about your experience and we forwarded your feedback to the appropriate teams. Customer Support has the resources to address Ellipsis 7 "low memory" issues and you should not have to provide them with specific options. If you have not done so already, please call Customer Support again at 1 (800) 837-4966. Communications have been distributed to remind teams of this process.

Please note that devices on software versions MV7A_31D25_422A or MV7B_31D41_422 already have the memory enhancement.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Thanks Carol

I did get to talk to someone who could help me. Waiting for box to return the tablet.

I do have MV7A_31D26_422 SW version.

Thanks for getting back to me.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Just received my Ellipsis 7 with the software version MV7A_31D25_422A.  Works Great!  Took about than a week turnaround.  I must admit, you have to be persistent, but the results are worth it.  Thanks

Verizon Employee


This is great to read. Thank you for sharing your experience.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I have 2 Ellipsis 7's that need this fix.

Saturday I called the number listed which turns out to be a L1 support number.  I explained what I wanted and referenced this thread.  The Verizon rep checked his his records and could find no mention of this issue.  To his credit he stayed with it and contacted L2 Tech support.  They were aware of the problem/fix.  The original rep connected me directly with the L2 Tech who made all the arrangements to send out the shipping boxes.

After the call I logged into my Verizon account and there were 2 messages that the shipping boxes were being sent.

I think that Verizon often gets negative comments about it's support, but In this case, they did stayed with it and did what was needed

Enthusiast - Level 2

Hi Carol,

I have MV7A_31D26_422 and would like to upgrade to 422A.

So far, I have spoken to Verizon Support 3 times, the most recent time lasting for 100 minutes; and, have also visited a Verizon B&M store all without a successful upgrade. Either my phone is 'up-to-date' and there nothing more that can be done, or; 422A was not successfully pushed to my E7 during reset attempts. In all instances I have shared the information provided above in the Important Note. The most recent tier 2 support representative could find numerous internal references to the update but nothing about sending the tablet in for the upgrade. (She did not have access privileges to the forum.)

Can you provide a more concrete pathway to this upgrade? Thank you.

Verizon Employee

Hi Douglasia

Thank you for your post. We just sent you a direct message.

Enthusiast - Level 2


Thank you so much for your assistance. My E7 has been upgraded to 422A. It has made an amazing difference.

Thanks again.


I called today and requested shipping boxes for our 3 tablets.  I believe that speaking with Technical Support (whom I was eventually connected with) is the most direct route.  After some explanation, I found that telling them my SW version enabled them to find the issue and instructions for resolution.  My fingers are crossed that this SW update will finally make this tablet worth keeping!

Carol - Isn't there a way for Verizon to contact account holders who have Ellipsis 7? Good customer service would have been Verizon reaching out to me rather than me having to seach these boards for a resolution to the year long issue!
