Sudden Issue with Verizon Home LTE sine 1/19/22
Enthusiast - Level 1

I have been using home LTE for about six months with flawless service and great speeds (50 down and 6 up).  Starting 1/19/22 (same day as 5G rollout) my device suddenly has no service every couple hours.  It shows as connected but no internet connection at all. Reboot of the gateway device solves the issue. When working the speeds are the same as previous.  I have called for technical support 4 days in a row.  They have not helped, will not escalate my issue and will not provide me a new device.  Please help I love my home LTE service.

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2 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 1

I've had the same issue started on 1/19/22. Had great service prior, now I get disconnected approx 6 - 7 times during a working day and I have to revert to my cellphone hotspot, luckily that works as long as you don't overload it. It's embarrassing to be on a call with a client and then have it drop. Once with support they did a complete refresh they said, didn't seem to help. Second call after being on chat with the 3rd party support for an hour, they said to unplug it and plug it back in. Like I haven't done that already.

I'm running the current version of software and have reset to factory settings numerous times, doesn't help.

Customer Service Rep

We would be happy to review your options for this matter in depth. To allow us to do so, please leave us a Private Note here. We look forward to working with you soon!


