Why Do I Have A Problem Authenticating WiFi?
Enthusiast - Level 2

Branched from an older thread: "I just got this ellipses 8 tablet yesterday and since getting it I cannot connect to the hotel's Wi-Fi. We connected to it from my husband phone no problem but I've tried so many things to get it to connect on my tablet and after it says "saved, secured with wpa\wpa2" I click it again and it says "authentication problem". I know I have the correct pass because it worked on his phone. Help?"

I have same problem.

I can connect in some places and not in others...my iPhone connects an

S does myIPAD

1 Reply
Verizon Employee

I rely on WiFi to conserve my data, so I understand the importance of being able to connect, Tmscsj. To clarify, do you also have an Ellipsis 8? What happens when you attempt to connect?


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