4G in NJ

When are we gonna see some 4g towers in NJ?   Specifically in the southern part.  And iam not talking about being in range of a tower that is not in this state.  Please do not reply with sarcastic remarks, or generic replys as to When you get it- you get it, or Please be patient,  I have had enuff of those responses, even with waiting for the Official GB for the Droid Charge.. We don't have a decent 3g signal down here. Seems like Verizon is against putting towers up here in NJ,  But yet they keep putting up stores at almost every corner. There are about 5 Verizon stores not inculding 3 radio shacks and Best Buys, all with 5 mile radius. But not one decent tower. Go figure.  Buy the phone and our service and deal with spotty and fringe service.. 


   Also the map that they have is not accurate at all.. Areas that are supposed to be covered are not.   Serveral calls to tech support, and keep getting the same comments,  your location is in the 4g coverage area, and when asked where the towers were located, it was told in Philly,PA.  That is almost 45 mi away from me,  but iam in 4g coverage area..

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1 Reply
Verizon Employee

Hello RobieRob,


I definitely understand your desire to have 4G coverage in your area.  I wish I had an actual date to provide for 4G coverage in Southern New Jersey, however at this time there is not an exact date coverage will begin in that area.  I can advise VZW 4G will cover two-thirds of the US population by mid 2012 and the entire 3G footprint by the end of 2013.  You can always check your exact address for coverage, view current and upcoming 4G cities and sign up for updated email alerts by clicking here or by navigating to verizonwireless.com/4G  Thank you.  
