5G @ Home CS is GARBAGE
Enthusiast - Level 1



I have been a Verizon customer for 10 years.  Two weeks ago, I got a brochure touting 5G @ home in my area and, considering Comcast is a nightmare to deal with, I thought I would try this new offering.

Well, the customer service I received was THE WORST EVER.  I was actively lied to twice and spent countless hours on the phone with at least 10 people and NOT A SINGLE PERSON I SPOKE TO KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING.

It started with my initial order.  I was told an Apple TV would come in my shipment, but it was not listed on my order confirmation email.  So, I called back and spoke to FIVE DIFFERENT people in an an hour and a half.  Finally I was told that, due to the way Verizon tracks the Apple TV inventory, it would not show up on the order, but would be in the box once I got it.  GUESS WHAT WASN'T IN THE BOX?? 

I called back and a woman helped me through the issue over the course of two hours, but ultimately credited my account BECAUSE SHE COULD NOT FIGURE OUT HOW TO ORDER THE APPLE TV for me.  Why offer it if it cant be ordered?

Then, when I went to install the service, I was having issues with getting a signal, ultimately because the instructions were telling me to point the receiver in the wrong direction.  I called Verizon this past Sartuday and they set up a technician appointment for today.  I took today off and waited for them to arrive.  GUESS WHO DID NOT SHOW UP???

So, I called angain and spent an hour and a half on the phone with two people who could not figure out how to set a new appointment - they could only set me up with a new delivery of equipment.  I finally cancelled the service because I didn't know what else to do.

Two weeks, countless hours on the phone, and nothing resolved.  Why should I stay a Verizon customer?  All I was trying to do was give this company more money for a new product that they apparently don't know anything about.  I AM SO ANGRY ABOUT THIS WHOLE ORDEAL.

1 Reply

Had mine installed 12/20.  Nothing but problems.  Upload and download speeds were okay but I was not able to consistenly use the internet due to sites locking up or timing out.
