Anyone experiencing dismally slow night-time upload speeds?

For the last week or two, I have been experiencing unacceptably slow data performance on my TWO apple products: an iPhone5 and a 3rd generation iPad. Very slow performance of all apps that require a web connection, and frequent "connection to server has been lost" messages. Notably, the slow performance is only at night. Both devices generally show LTE with 2-3 dots (sometimes dips to 1 dot), regardless of the time of day. I downloaded the Ookla speed test to diagnose.  Both devices show OK-ish download speeds at all times (1-4 Mbps), but the upload speed changes from adequate during the day (0.6 - 2.0 Mbps) to dismal during the 7pm - 1am hours (0.01 to 0.07 Mbps), which explains the poor data performance.  Again, I will emphasize that the EXACT same speedtest results are obtained with TWO different devices, and ONLY during night-time hours - so it is absolutely NOT a device-specific problem.  I am a daily data user, particularly during night-time hours, and these problems (again, involving both devices) have started recently, but they occur every night.  My zip code is 21045 - no issues until now.  Starting to suspect the rollout of VoLTE has something to do with this (all that extra bandwidth for voice has to come from somewhere, right?).  Also starting to think it is time to give AT&T a try, if these upload speed issues are not addressed quite soon.  Why am I paying Verizon for data, when I can't use any?

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7 Replies
Customer Service Rep


I am sorry to hear of the service issues you are having. We want you to have the best service possible. Thank you for the details you have provided regarding this concern. I do see that this area may have network opportunities. If you leave this area during the hours you are experiencing slow speeds do speeds increase? Have you ever had a ticket filed in regards to this service issue? Do you notice if you reset network settings on the devices do speeds increase at all?


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" If you leave this area during the hours you are experiencing slow speeds do speeds increase?"

I am not sure how to answer this question, because it is vague.  What do you mean by "leave this area"? Move to a different room in my house? (answer: makes no difference)  Drive to a different neighborhood/zipcode? (answer: I have not tried this during evening hours, but daytime speeds, particularly download speeds, from my work address are generally better than I get at home; see below)

"Have you ever had a ticket filed in regards to this service issue? Do you notice if you reset network settings on the devices do speeds increase at all?"

I did call VZW customer support to attempt to address.  First line of support made your suggestion of resetting the network settings.  Did NOT help at all.  The agent then transferred me to the second line of support, where I remained on hold for so long that I hung up.

Some more data for you from the Ookla app. Numbers a from my iPad; iPhone gives comparable data at same times:

(my residence, zip code 21045)

Sept 1, 11:55 pm: download, 2.93; upload 0.01

Sept 2, 12:25 am: download, 1.39; upload 0.07

Sept 2, 1:36 am: download, 2.46; upload 0.09

Sept 2, 9:40 am: download, 2.46; upload 1.48

Sept 2, 9:33 pm: download, 1.25; upload 0.38

Sept 2, 10:06 pm: download, 0.07; upload 0.14

Sept 3, 12:55 am: download, 2.21; upload 0.09

(my work, zip code 20814)

Sept 2, 4:23 pm: download, 15.75; upload 4.25

Sept 4, 10:15 am: download, 14.73; upload 0.25

Customer Service Rep

I appreciate you taking time to troubleshoot with us, 99brian99. Can you confirm the current "carrier version" found under Settings>General>About on each device?

Thank you,

Follow us on Twitter @VZWsupport


Carrier version:

iPhone: 7.1.1 (11D201)

iPad: 7.1.2 (11D257)

I have been avoing upgrading the iPhone to 7.1.2 to clearly rule out a particular iOS version.

I have done some more investigation, and I think I know the general reason for the problem: if I walk half a block up or down my street the issue disappears, and I get similar upload and download speeds to what I observe at work (regardless of location, my phone/iPad generally shows LTE with 1-3 dots).  Thus, there seems to be some very localized interference that is preventing server communication even though the signal is good.  I was hoping the problem was a device in my house, but I turned off my main power and even pulled the backup battery in my telephony modem, but nothing changed.  Thus, I seems like a nearby neighbor has some device causing this interference.  I have no idea where to go from here.

Thank you for any help you can offer.


Yes, it has slowed down.  It took 9 minutes today at 11:35 AM (11-27-2014) to download the app. Mapquest 17.90MB.

I installed the program speedtest and I have been running it various times of the day and hour.  I live in Meridian, Id.

I have the Samsung Galaxy S5.  Yes, I have removed the sims card and put it back in.  Yes, I have checked the battery so see if it was swollen, and   removed it and put it back in.  I also turn off the phone every night.

On Nov. 26, 2014 11:04  AM  upl  1.68 dl 2.08 p 123, 11:06 AM upl 0.91 dl 1.91 p 103, 11:48 AM dl 0.35 up 1.81 p 89, 11:49 AM dl 0.47 up 2.34 p 101, 11:51 AM 0.22 up 0.19 p 109. 12:14 PM dl 2.82 up 1.75 p 96, 12:15 PM dl  0.41 up 1.11 p 106, 12:39 PM dl 0.62 up 1.60 P 127, 12:423PM dl 0.48 up 1.57 p 122, 12:49 PM dl 0.28 up 1.87 p 212, 1:00PM dl 0.47 up 2.61 p 115, 2:39 pm  dl 0.30 upl 0.77 p 90, 3:33PM dl 0.69 , up 1.50 p 98, 3:39 PM dl 0.83 up 0.74 p 98, 5:05PM dl 0.33 up 1.37 p 101,

DL is the download speed, UP is the up load speed and P is for ping.

These are just some of the reading THIS IS NOT THE FASTEST 4 G lte,  I have been with Verizon now for 14 years.

This is terrible service just because we are not located in Los Angeles, Ca.


I left Verizon last spring due to horrendous upload and download speeds during peak times. HORRENDOUS. I would've rather had a dialup modem. Check out your options. Verizon isn't the same Verizon as years ago. At least it looks like they're possibly admitting an issue with you. I went around, and around, and around with "trouble tickets" and no responses. It was a joke of "customer service." I changed to Cricket for $45/month (ATT's network) and have had outstanding performance and coverage at literally half the cost.


Thank you for your information.I will be calling Verizon Monday giving them the test results. I have the phone number to the tech support and they have a way to check my signal. Between noon to 4:00pm really slow and then again from 6:30PM to 9:00PM very slow.
