Constant Disconnects - 4g

Signed up for the 4g service December  even though not available in my area.  (Used the 3g service for years with no problem)


Nothing but problems since.  Level 3 tech support, etc.  Hours on the phone.


Finally exchanged the Pantech for the LG modem which seemed to help.  Went throught epic billing nightmare because even though the Pantech was returned promptly and Fed Ex tracking confirmed it, Verizon would not credit my $149 back.  Unbelievable.


Tonight was disconnected from 3g and re-connected on 1x.  After several minutes, disconnected from 1x and re-connected to 3g. 


Watching VZaccess Manager while on hold with customer service, 3g disconnects and re-connects, like a demon is controlling the signal.


Told customer service I can't wait until my contract is up or another vendor's alternative is available.  I am DUMPING Verizon wireless broadband.


A frustrated customer.

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2 Replies

One of the posts in this forum suggested removing and re-inserting the sim chip in the modem. 


Tried it.  No disconnects since.  Will keep you posted.  What about it Verizon?


Last night July 11th, at about 6:00pm CST the disconnect problems reached a critical level.  Constant disconnects from 3g and re-connects to 1xrtt  (you cannot even surf the net using 1xrtt).


Spent 1 hour with level 1 and 2 technical support.  They had me remove the simm chip and re-insert it into the modem.  No help.


During this 2-3 hour period, the signal strength was all over the map.  One bar, two bars, no bars, no service in the 3g and 1xrtt display.


Finally level 2 support stated they were escalating the problem and would call me back.


Later last night, and so far this morning, NO problems.  3g shows steadily 2 bars and response time is excellent.
