Have to have a physical address to add a line to an existing account?

Why is my PO Box on file not sufficient in order to add a line onto my account when I am not having anything mailed to me? I bought a brand new Ipad with Cellular and messaged Verizon to get it added to my account. The Rep told me they could not process it because I have a PO Box on file? Why does this matter? You aren't shipping me anything and its the address associated with my bank card. I guess I will have to shop around for a provider that this wont be an issue at as I have no choice. I only have a PO Box.

1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

That is definitely strange, and I would be more than happy to look into why it is not able to be added on the account, or how we would be able to help. I do know some some devices require a physical address during activation or usage for e911 reasons. We can look into this further with you. Please send us a Private Note, so we may be able to assist.

