Is the 4G data problem on the Galaxy Nexus going to be fixed?

Whether or not it's a software or hardware problem something needs to be done. I've been a 5 different forums now and everything I read about the 4G on this phone is negative, except for a few lucky ones. People are only getting 1-2 bars compared to other phones right next to them. They are also saying they are getting heavy decrease in 4G speeds. This is my first 4G phone but I think I would get better speeds than 4mbps download and 3mbps upload? I'm in Pittsburgh, a good 4G area. I've been a customer with VZW for a long time, plenty of upgrades and new 2 year contracts. I just dropped a lot of money on this phone and agreed to stay with VZW for another 2 years, I at least want a phone that is fully capable of getting the full 4G experience. If there is a problem with the Nexus as a device in general please let us know see I can get a different phone, if there is something wrong with the 4G let me know too so I can quit panicking!


Sorry for rambling on but what is truly going on with this phone and the 3G/4G speeds, dropped calls and so on? I'm really getting aggravated and truly feel like I'm unappreciated as a customer.

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4 Replies

Often the bars are a poor indicator.


One phone will show 2 bars at (-90), and another may show 3 bars at (-92).  From what I have gathered in my state the Galaxy Nexus is actually more accurate than other devices.  Though people are used to seeing higher number of bars assuming something is wrong with their Nexus when they switch to it.


The problem is authentification of the LTE network for the Nexus which is causing connectivity to the network.  Sometimes it works and sometime it doesn't.  It'll get better over time, but this is still a very young network being deployed and work does need to be done.



So people are prematurely jumping the Galaxy Nexus ship and heading over to the Rezound? If I got a Rezound, your saying I'd probably wouldn't see a speed increase? Also, these dropped calls are starting to bother me, constantly switching between 3G/4G.

The dropped calls honestly more than likely a network problem. The authentification may cause more problems than others in certain areas. The problems will start to smooth out over time. People with the rezound still have connection issues but they are more reliable as the manufacturer HTC was the first to have LTE and had a few months to do real world time before a second LTE device came out. Google does the updates for the Nexus so I believe they smooth it out quickly and we don't have to wait 6+ months for updates.

It seems more location based than actually the device.  I have various screenshots where I could go hours without even a dropped signal, but randomly for an short period of time I would lose signal due to the network(based on various devices owned with Verizon).  Though when I travel to say SF for work I may see it happen 2-3 times a day.  When I was with AT&T many years back when they were rolling out their 3G network I had similar problems with dropped calls, and data.  Since Verizon is deploying it quickly I doubt they did serious bug checking and figure to do it on the fly as they want to cover everywhere that has 3G with 4G.  At some point I believe Verizon want to go VOLTE+(Voice over LTE Advanced) which in turn may help with data prices and network congestions and hopefully they can get it as reliable as possible.
