My (Bionic/Charge/Thunderbolt) keeps losing data signal

Am I the only person that is completely fed up with this?


I've had the Bionic since the day it came out, and I've yet to have a reliable non-WiFi data connection.  I live in an area with 3g, and work in an area with my phone switches back and forth often.


However, like many of you, I lose my cellular data connection several times a day.  This is very, very inconvienient for someone who commutes an hour each way from work (and uses Google Maps or Waze to get traffic updates, listens to music via bluetooth) and who uses their Google Voice number for all phone calls/SMS messages.  Not to mention all of the other unusable apps when there is no data connection.


The only thing that works (and is by no means permanant) is restarting the device.


My boss has the Charge and has the same issue, and a good friend of mine has the Thunderbolt...same issue.


I have called Verizon a few times Early on I was told they were aware and it was to be fixed in a software release; it was not.  Next I was told to try a few things suggested by Motorola (clearing out cache and cookies in browser, swapping sim card), no fix.  After swapping the sim card, I called again out of frustration, and they offered to send me a refurbished Bionic to replace mine.  When I expressed my displeasure at that arrangement, they offered tp patch me through to Motorola...which ended up being some far away customer service department that offered the option of sending my phone in for diagnostics.  Yeah; I want to be without a phone for a few days...that's a great idea.


Am I alone in thinking this is less a manufacturer issue, and more a Verizon issue?  Why am I paying for a monthly data plan that is less than reliable?  Is this what AT&T customers are used to feeling like?


This is my 4th Android phone (Droid, Droid Incredible, Droid X) and the only one I have had a major problem with.  I'm beyond frustrated, and not sure what I should do at this point.

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35 Replies

There seems to be several threads in here dealing with this same issue.  Perhaps we should consolidate so we are better heard?  Whether it be this thread or another, this needs to be kept in the forefront until it is fixed.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Verizon takes forever to roll out any kind of major update. The only way to truly fix it is to google about your phone and find it on XDA Developers, root it and install a custom rom (software update) that someone else has made. Most of the time they run more smoothly, faster, better battery life, and it fixes many issues with the phone. 

Rooting will void the warrantee, that is the only downside, I have some good friends that have done this and it's solved all their problems with their phone. 


I have

{edit for TOS violation}

and installed the latest update (kept it stock and rooted) and I still have the problem.  I don't want to put a custom ROM on because I'll be passing  this phone on to my wife soon.


I unrooted and went back to stock; still have the same issues.

Enthusiast - Level 2

When you rooted did you install a newer version of the radio for the phone? There are always new version rolling out that you can choose from. That was an issue with the Thunderbolts initially, then the new version of the radio came along and data issues were solved for the most part. 

If you don't want to go as far as flashing a new version of the radio and or putting a custom ROM on it and just wait for the VZW update this work around should work to keep you from having to restart the phone to get the data connection back.


Menu, settings, Wireless & Networks, then make sure Mobile Network or Mobile Internet (Which ever one your phone has) is checked and turned on.


This is what is most likely causing  your phone to drop the data connection and never connect again until a reboot. 

Its an issue with the battery saving part of the software, its designed to shut off the data connection when lost and stay off for a certain amount of time before it try's to connect again to keep the battery from being drained. 

This happens a lot with my Thunderbolt, and it is annoying, but until we get a major update (Hopefully Ice Cream Sandwich) this work around is better than rebooting each time .


I'm curious as to what my TOS violation was.


Anyway, I was fed up enough yesterday when I lost data signal and happened to be right near a VZW store.  I went in, they looked at a couple of things, and they are sending me another one that I'm supposed to get tomorrow.


If my 'new' Bionic does the same thing, I will certainly be talking to someone about why I've been paying for data for the past couple of months when it doesn't actually work.


Well, I learned one thing isn't the phone.


My 'new' Bionic did the same thing 3 times since I got it yesterday...lost data completely.

Enthusiast - Level 3

I  can't comment on the phone and you shouldn't be seeing problem with 3G but the problem you describe is typical for verizon 4G network.  It can't hold a reliable connection, they know about it and they aren't fixing it for now, period.


On a side note I don't know if aboslutely everyone is having the problem as some seem to be fine.  That is what confuses me and also is probably hindering more pressure being put on verizon to fix it.  In the store they swear it doesn't happen (however I did notice the demo ipads were connected to a wireless router and not to the mifis......(nice verizon)


I understand your frustration as basically we are completely helpless, as you either pay the $175 and go elsewhere or you grin and bear it.  On the flip side ATT 3G is pretty fast (about twice what verizon 3g is) and doesn't seem to suffer any of this.




I have a Thunderbolt, been losing data ever since the 4GLTE rollout. Goes from 4G to 3G to 1X to no G several times a day.


I'm sure more customers are having issues with this, they just don't know about this forum or file complaints directly with Verizon via calls/visiting a local store.


I have a hard time believing that Verizon doesn't know the magnitude of this situation, just no quick solutions.


BTW, I'm from Lincoln, NE so this is not an isolated issue. 


I spent my whole ride home the other day on the phone with VZW, and they absolutely acknowledge this is an issue on the phone.  The best answer she could give me is that it is supposed to be addressed in a software update due in mid/late November, but she acknowledged that since it was November 30th, that probably wasn't going to happen.


She also sympathized with me because she has a Charge and has the exact same problem (as does my boss, who also has a Charge).


The only thing I can do is wait; they said I could switch to another phone (except the RAZR), but I bought a ton of accessories for the Bionic; I want the **bleep** thing to work right.  Is that too much to expect for a device I paid $300 for??


 I have the same thing with my thunderbolt too in zeeland mi


Hi, I made a Forum account just to reply to this. Im having the same problem here for the pas two days. I had a Droid before the Boinic and never had a problem out of service. I got the Bionic and its been about a month since I got it. Two days ago I been losing my 3G. Ive rebooted etc and it dont work :/. Im upset now cause I thought this was best on market(besides Razr).


I also have mine rooted stock android cause no great Roms I like. So its not like I can hand them back the phone and demand a new one. Im in Talladega Alabama


Well, the latest update was just pushed to my phone.  I reset to factory after install, and am crossing my fingers that my data woes are gone.


New update does NOT fix the issue.  My ride to work this morning:


1.  Leave house, phone should swap from WiFi to 3g.  Once out of WiFi range, no data.

2.  20 minutes later, phone suddenly has 3g

3.  10 minutes after that, phone seamlessly switches from 3g to 4g.

4.  15 minutes after that, phone loses data completely, and never reconnects until I get to my office WiFi 20 minutes later.



I've absolutely had it with this phone.


I have the Bionic...


Received the update with the "fix" for connectivitiy issues and my phone was off service more yesterday than before the update! What is the deal here? Is it the phone, the network, the chip? I'm about ready to switch devices but if it's an issues outside the phone itself I'll just be wasting my time (and money). Is Verizon allowing phone swaps for something else because of this issue?




I updated my Bionic today. I didn't have connectivity for the first 45 minutes after the resart. I have spoken with Verizon Reps since I got the phone. I have been having the same issues since day 1. Unfortunately, they will not replace the phone with something else. Up until a couple weeks ago, I was told this was not a wide spread issue. Complete lie, I even told her she was a liar. Verizon is just dumping us. They really do not care about the customer, just getting your money. You should know that.


I was one with data loss all the time, BSOD, and rebooting.. have had the update for 36 hours now with no issues .. Kepping my fingers crossed.


Yesterday I spoke to a tech support rep who asked me to try one thing (make sure data roaming was checked), and get back to him with the results.  He actually gave me his personal cell and told me to text him with a number I could be reached at to discuss the results.


The results?  Data was horrible on my ride home yesterday, and today I had ZERO data during my entire 55 minute commute into work.  Not great if you want to use Waze for traffic, or stream music/podcasts, or use Google Voice to make all calls (as I do).


This rep is sending me a Rezound as a replacement.  I declinded the RAZR, because it seems that they are having similar issues regarding data drops.  Since this phone is going to my wife when my upgrade is due next week and I get the Nexus, the Rezound also makes more sense since she currently has an Incredible.


I am also having the same issues in Rio Rancho, Albuquerque, and Santa Fe New Mexico.  The problem started when 4G was launched in the area.  I am having the issue on both by Bionic and my Samsung MiFi card.  I had both of these devices before the 4G launch and did not have any issues with them at that time.  I have called Verizon many times and have had trouble tickets open on ly to hear nothing back from Verizon.  My last call was last night and I was basically told they know about the issue and I am to just turn my phone off then back on (which does work, but not for very long as I do this 100x's a day).  I was told that is only Motorola devices which I do not believe as I am having the issue on my SAMSUNG MiFi.  They told me that I could either switch to a non-smart phone or to a non-Motorola smart phone.  I asked them if they were going to give me a non-Motorola device and they said no.  They also told me that I could limit my phone to only access CDMA netowrk which proves they know they have a problem with 4G network.  I bought the Bionic because of all the hype that Verizon put into it before it came out and for the speed that they promised the device would have.  ALL I WANT IS FOR MY PHONE AND MY AIR CARD TO WORK!  I am paying over $200 dollars a month for my service that I am NOT GETTING. I have never had any other issues with Verizon before the 4G launch.


I have the Bionic.  It has data issues.  Use airplane on/off and turn off/on many times during the day.  Since the update it has gotten worse.  I have read a lot about this issue and it doesn't appear to be the phone, the software probably, but the network can be the biggest issue.  I have gone to CDMA only and it still does the same thing.  I was going to call support, but that seems a zero since others out there have done as such and they still have the problem either right away or after a couple of days.  I will wait to see what happens out there but need some "we have a problem and we are working on it" from VZW at this point.  A contract is a contract and I've been with VZW since the beginning.  Please, let us know what is up.  Communication from a communication company is what I require, as do many other loyal clients. 


I have documented my problems to Verizon since I got my Thunderbolt, here is a synopsis:

First month, disconnecting for no reason, 4G icon on phones goes out, but I have full bars.  Then it mysteriously comes back on, works for a few minutes, then is out again.  I go to Verizon store, Hard reset of phone.  Issues stop for about a month.

Third month, problems again.  I call in, go to store, their advice, replace the handset.  THEY ARE STILL NOT ADMITTING TO A PROBLEM, but they replace my SIM card. They say that is has not been an issue.  My favorite line from the phone techs is; "I have a T-bolt, and that doesn't happen to me." So I guess because it is not their problem, they do not care. After more problems, I finally, I get sent a New TBOLT.  Works fine for two months.

 Month 6: Problems connecting again.  This time I also have a MiFi, and that is not disconnecting at all.  I get lied to by two representatives, saying they will put a line trace on my phone.  After all of this and arguing for three hours on the phone (on two different occasions) they want to send me ANOTHER TBOLT! None of the things the techs have done have solved anything.  No update solved the problem wither.  I explain "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results!" I refuse the third.  I make such a fuss that I am refunded ALL of my data fees since I started with the TBOLT (about $180).  I get the new Rezound, guess what- STILL HAVING PROBLEMS.  I have (sadly) learned to live with it, but every time it happens, I call them and get my data refunded for the day.  Maybe when they start realizing it is costing them money, they will fix it.  


