Please fix your network in Brentwood PA!

I live in Brentwood on the Whitehall side and the network is horrible.  I  have a ticket open since early april but have not heard a thing.  My  wife has an iphone 4s and I have the iphone5.  I am roaming in my house  now and occassionally see LTE with speeds in .5 to 1.5mb range which is  terribly slow for LTE. Worst yet the 3g is under 100kb which is slower  than edge speeds!  I have previously been with tmobile and sprint and  both had much better service in my home and surrounding neighborhoods.   The problem also exists on rt 51 for about 2 miles going from the  intersection of brownsville road towards pittsburgh by provost road.   This is very dissappointing and I pay alot of money for this service.   If this is not fixed within the next few weeks I will be cancelling my  services and moving to ATT.  My sister has an ip5 on att and she gets  13mb speeds at my house!!  Did verizon just decide to give up on their  3g network?  best speed I have seen in pittsburgh has been around 1mb in  3g but in most cases its under 200kb... Please fix the problem in my  area.  There is no excuse for this going on forever.  By the way, I  complained before but nothing has been done.  My wife has been using the  ip4s since nov of 2011 and her 3g speeds have been dreadful.  She  cannot use facebook, stream anything at all, etc etc.  So you guys need  to address you slow networks immediately.   Mark my words the verizon  name will be tarnished by this. 

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I live in Brentwood on the Whitehall side and the network is horrible.  I  have a ticket open since early april but have not heard a thing. My wife has an iphone 4s and I have the iphone5.  I am roaming in my house  now and occassionally see LTE with speeds in .5 to 1.5mb range which is  terribly slow for LTE. Worst yet the 3g is under 100kb which is slower  than edge speeds!  I have previously been with tmobile and sprint and  both had much better service in my home and surrounding neighborhoods. 

If it seems like T-Mobile / Sprint has better data coverage, and service in your area why didn't you stay with them?

The problem also exists on rt 51 for about 2 miles going from the  intersection of brownsville road towards pittsburgh by provost road.   This is very dissappointing and I pay alot of money for this service. If this is not fixed within the next few weeks I will be cancelling my  services and moving to ATT.

What about T-Mobile or Sprint? Didn't they have better coverage. If it seems like another carrier would benefit you here, why threaten to leave?

  My sister has an ip5 on att and she gets  13mb speeds at my house!!  Did verizon just decide to give up on their  3g network?  best speed I have seen in pittsburgh has been around 1mb in  3g but in most cases its under 200kb... Please fix the problem in my  area.  There is no excuse for this going on forever.  By the way, I  complained before but nothing has been done.  My wife has been using the  ip4s since nov of 2011 and her 3g speeds have been dreadful.  She  cannot use facebook, stream anything at all, etc etc.  So you guys need  to address you slow networks immediately.   Mark my words the verizon  name will be tarnished by this. 

May just be the you're in a horrible area for Verizon coverage. It's really not the only place in the world Verizon doesn't have the best coverage, and I'm sure they're working on it somehow.

Still not seeing where threatening going to get you lol.


Give me a break.  Life is about choices.  My choice is to ask them again to fix their network which is poor in my area. Look at the coverage maps in my area.  Perfectly red LTE zone only 6 miles outside of Pittsburgh.  I think complaining about it for 1.5 years is sufficient enough time to fix it or they just don't see it as a problem.  I don't expect miracles.  For example if they at least would fix 3g in the area, I would not have an useless iph4s my wife now owns and I pay 110.00 a month for.  I don't need your lecture my friend and I think they need to know where they have network problems. 


Bumping thread.  Just wanted to see if anything is going to be done about it. Don't expect miracles but there are way too many dead zones in my area and maybe putting up another modem at Brentwood Square would solve a lot of issues.  When I leave my house it takes several minutes for my ip5 to find any network connection. Usually the extended circle shows up for a while first.  Just isn't going to work for me. 


Just checking back since I never got a response to my tickets or this forum.  What is the point of having a forum like like this if you are going to ignore your customers?  Other than Mr Hawaii irrelevant responses above, nobody from tech support responded to me.  Poor service!

Not applicable

This is not a customer service forum. This is a customer to customer forum. You know where customers help out other customers with issues. This isn't an issue that other customers can help you out with now is it? So I'm not sure what you were expecting.
