Somewhat of a question, need a response

Where to begin! I traded in a device a few months ago, never received a return kit in the mail and the day I did was the last day I could be eligible for the return. Lots of calling and being on hold, finally get somebody to agree to process the return. 

Recently however, something very similar happened. I wanted to add a line to my account for my mom. They agree to pay off her old phone with AT&T and trade it in for a new iPhone 13. We get the new phone and she doesn’t have service. Zero bars at her house. The thing is near useless. I spend HOURS on the phone with Customer Care getting this whole thing reversed. They say, send us back the phone and we’ll get it straightened out. I don’t receive a return kit, again. Request one. I received it yesterday, 38 days after I initiated the return. I put the package into the UPS Dropbox today. I look at my bank account because my card is declining at the grocery store. They’ve taken $1,300 out of my bank account, $800 for the phone, $79 for the plan service. I call Verizon, one hour wait. Speak to someone for 30 minutes. They credit my account for the $79 and forward me to financial services and instruct me to cancel the payment. I wait on hold for 20 minutes. I speak to them for 10 minutes. She says the best she can do is refund the $800 and it should process in 3-5 days. I say, I need it today, my bank is going to penalize my negative balance. She forwards the call to someone above her. I’m on hold for 20 minutes. The rep answers the phone, asks my name and the call goes completely silent. Still connected, no response. I have been on the phone for two hours and no one is there. No call back. I call 611 and am told there will be a 50-80 minute wait and then “Thank you for calling Verizon, goodbye” click. I call back ten times, same message, them disconnecting every time. On the eleventh call back I am told that Customer Care is closed. Please use the chat function in the app. I have been in that queue a dozen times and still haven’t been connected. “Your connection has been lost” “Sorry, we encountered an issue, please try again later” Give me back my money PLEASE. 

2 Replies
Customer Service Rep

We're reviewing this and will get back to you in just a moment. *Melissa

Customer Service Rep

We always want you to get any promotion you qualify for. We'd like to see what's going on. Let's get to the bottom of this. Please send us a Private Note for assistance. *Melissa
