Thunderbolt SIM card issues??

I was having internet connection issues with my thunderbolt and they sent me out another SIM card and did a master reset. I put the SIM card in restarted it and I turned it back on and it has a pickture of a SIM card with an explanation mark and it wont activate. Whats the problem and how can it be fixed??

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Hello ladygaga1! Welcome to the community!


Since it has been several days, I am hoping your issue has been resolved by now. It sounds like your SIM card has not been activated at this time. If you are still having issues, you can activate by going to your My Verizon account, choose Activate or Switch Device under "I Want to..." You will need the IMEI from the device first, and then the SIM card number (both can be found in Settings>About phone>Phone identity) to activate. 


Let me know if you need further assistance. 
