Used all 30gb of hotspot now I never brake 80kbps

So I've had verizon for awhile. Never once when I have gone over my hot spot data have I ever broke 80kbps. Sure speeds up to 600kbps sound decent enough but you should really re lable it to speeds up to 100kbps. I call every month and all you do is change the name of my plan. You feed me some story how I need more priority yet it's always the same plan same deta same throttle and even the same price but I'm still always getting 80kbps at most normally sticks at 70kbps. If this is just how it's always going to be I'll move on to a way cheeper company using you're cell towers..... I mean come on you're still charging people extra for using smart phones.....

2 Replies
Specialist - Level 3

Verizon hasn't charged different between smart phones and basic phones since the old More Everything plan.

Customer Service Rep

We do understand your frustration; however, for hotspots and mobile hotspot data, the maximum you can ever get before speeds are slowed down is 30GB. You can purchase additional data boosts to help out, but these are only intended to help you with a critical need. If you need more hotspot data, you may want to look into our LTE Home Service and see if it is available in your area. - ErichC_VZW
