What do I do if my service near home is worsening?

I can often reset the bug that kills my service by resetting my phone, but I'm at the point where I can come from work with full bars, get to my own zip code not far away and not even be able to load photos using my 4G LTE Wireless service. My phone is autoconnecting to the Wifi without me even telling it to because the connection to the local towers isn't strong enough. 

I left Metro for the same reason 3 years ago, then I moved. I don't want to have to switch services again, but staying connected at home is a baseline priority for having to pay for a mobile plan.

3 Replies

@Elzafir wrote:

I can often reset the bug that kills my service by resetting my phone, but I'm at the point where I can come from work with full bars, get to my own zip code not far away and not even be able to load photos using my 4G LTE Wireless service. My phone is autoconnecting to the Wifi without me even telling it to because the connection to the local towers isn't strong enough. 

First of all, if you have your phone's wifi turned on it will ALWAYS default to a wifi connection over the cellular connection regardless how strong the cellular signal is. This is the way all phones will act when given the choice of wifi or cellular for a data connection. If you don't want it to connect to a wifi network with which it has already connected, you will have to turn your wifi off or else the phone will ALWAYS choose the wifi signal over the cellular signal.

If your phone is staying connected to cellular after you cycle the power on your device, this sounds more like a phone problem than a signal problem. How old is your device? Possibly the device is starting to fail?

Enthusiast - Level 3
Harrison, Tennessee Cell Service degraded badly from Full bar to in past 6 months now @ 1 dot

First off We have iPhone X, iPhone 6s+, iPad 9.7 with Cell service on it.

Family has iPhone x, iPhone 8, iPads, a few Android devices  etc...

We are an Apple FamilyWe have lived in this Home for over 5 years and I have been with Verizon forever, prior to moving here.

When we moved in we had Cell service at MAX strength.

Over pst 6 months our cell service has degrade to what it is now, ALL BUT NON_EXISTANT!

Now this is both inside and Outside the home and the Tower is 1.5 miles away and since I hve not moved my 4,000 sqft home and from what I can tell the tower has not moved either there must be something that Verizon is doing to degrade the signal.

I keep all the phones for my family updated. I have had the phones to the Verizon and Apple store and neither have identified issues with our phones so again, there must be something that Verizon is doing to degrade the signal.


I have spoken to others in the area with Android as well as more Apple products and they all have the same story.


Verizon service has degraded to the point to where I am looking at changing providers as well as recommending others do the same in the area and then Verizon may take notice of the situation!

I can go to my family inCleveland where we have always had a full bar and strangly we still have a full bar when there but again we return home and anywhere we are we no have just 1 dot or less!

Enthusiast - Level 3
Harrison, Tennessee 37341 Cell Service degraded badly from Full bar to in past 6 months now @ 1 dot

First off We have iPhone X, iPhone 6s+, iPad 9.7 with Cell service on it.

Family has iPhone x, iPhone 8, iPads, a few Android devices  etc...

We are an Apple FamilyWe have lived in this Home for over 5 years and I have been with Verizon forever, prior to moving here.

When we moved in we had Cell service at MAX strength.

Over pst 6 months our cell service has degrade to what it is now, ALL BUT NON_EXISTANT!

Now this is both inside and Outside the home and the Tower is 1.5 miles away and since I hve not moved my 4,000 sqft home and from what I can tell the tower has not moved either there must be something that Verizon is doing to degrade the signal.

I keep all the phones for my family updated. I have had the phones to the Verizon and Apple store and neither have identified issues with our phones so again, there must be something that Verizon is doing to degrade the signal.


I have spoken to others in the area with Android as well as more Apple products and they all have the same story.


Verizon service has degraded to the point to where I am looking at changing providers as well as recommending others do the same in the area and then Verizon may take notice of the situation!

I can go to my family inCleveland where we have always had a full bar and strangly we still have a full bar when there but again we return home and anywhere we are we no have just 1 dot or less!
